Anybody using FFastTrade ?

Hi W2G,

My trades vary can be one or two or can be seven or eight, all depends on what kinda market it is. But in any case even with the monthly charge it is a cheaper set up than E2T if your trading daily. Holidays, couple of times a year not really an issue like Sledge says, it's little points to be made to cover it .
Well as you may gather I started the paper work to open an account on the 19th August.......and guess what we are nearly an account number... well two actually, one which was Man Financial's account number at Bank of America London, and my account number with Man Financial. I was to use these two account numbers to pay in my account opening funds.........oh and Man Fin US of A still wanted me to use a CHAPS sort code even though I was using online no lesson learned there by Man Fin US of A

Anyway as you know times go by ...... nope your funds aint turned up sorrieeee...............nope still no sign of them, you should have used the CHAPS sort code we wanted you to........

More comuniques explaing UK banking procedures...............Then UREKAKKAKAKA........Mr Huston your money has landed......yes it's the amount you said you were sending .....yes it went into the Man Financial account we give you the number for .....yes it came referanced with the personal account number we have given you and asked you to use on transfering the funds.....................BUT MAN FINANCIAL CANNOT BE SURE IT IS FROM see it's this 9/11 thing, can you get somebody from your bank to email me with proof this payment came from you, so I can email this proof to the guy who wont budge without it back at Man Financial.

Well I'm sorry Osama but t looks like those clever sons of bitches back at Man Financial are to darn clever for us country boys, the plan to short the Eurostoxx 50 and therebye destoy the evil empire has been foiled yet again 😉

Seriously this is paranoia gone mad, I cannot blame FFastFill or their people, all the hold ups have been down to Man Fin in the US of A

You try telling em, look on fund transfers I have four boxes to fill in. One for the name of the people I'm transfering funds to. Two, the sort code of their bank branch. Three, their account number at that branch. And four, referance identifier box where I put the account number they accredited me with.

Easy way would have been......look Mr Huston could you prefix the personal account number we give you with ermmm oh I know ....your name. That way we will be able to prove it is you and not Osama laundering money via Man Fin US of A 🙄

So our projected time for re entry to the stock market looks like Monday pm folks 🙁
Well I got my bank to fax confirmation to the US that it was I and not Osama who had sent the money 🙄 and this morning I recieved my account statement from GNI.

So it looks like I'll be in a position to trade Monday afternoon, when they wake up that side of the pond.