What are some other good resources for newbies?
T2W Day Trading & Forex Community 😎 I started trading over a year ago, didn't know a damn thing. Signed up with a paid program (not going to mention which one), they did teach me everything to get me started, but just felt if I had put the effort into researching myself, would have saved me a few $xxxx.00. Everything you need to know to trade successfully can be found on this forum, and for FREE!
What is it that you want to trade?
Do not try and look for the holy grail indicator. Learn Price Action, support and resistance. Try just studying ONE market, whether its an index, or individual stock or whatever. My trades really only consist of a few patterns found on traderpedia.
Keep a journal, you want to keep track of everything, your trades, emotions etc.
Figure out what works for you, and create a trading plan. A trading plan will consist of any rules you want to set for yourself. Times that you trade, what trade patterns you take, risk/reward, anything you want, just remain disciplined.
Keep it simple, don't cloud your brain with 100's of charts and indicators. Be patient, the most important thing to my trading has been screen time. 10 months FULL TIME it took before I jumped live consistently. I went live on my 2nd month, and blew through a 1/3rd of my account in a matter of days, just because of emotions.
Anyways kinda off track from your original question, I just feel there is more than enough information here (or web) to keep that money you'd spend on a room for a bigger trading account. But hey, if you feel like spending the dough and have found a reputable company to teach you, maybe that's what you need. Just from a personal view, the only way i took my trading to the next step, was to drop the room. And when I look at everything they taught me, it was all here and free all along, just need to read. If you want to purchase a great book for patterns, entries/exits, charts etc I would recommend
suriNotes.com, suriNotes, Stock Research, Futures Trading, Emini Trading, Tradestation, Indicators
Hope this helps, good luck