Any Queens/Lady-Boy Traders?

do i sound like an old worn-out forex trader gobbling up McBurgers and lager - I am sure u know that City type :) - in my msgs? :) matey I am scared now...... cheers m8 :)

PS pls advise if u reckon its the time for a re-hab :)
I am sure u know that City type

Whatever makes you think that???

Rehab highly recommended btw :LOL:
well - there r only 2 types of City traders publicly advertised on the telly - the old f**ting one which we discussed :) and the likes of American Psycho..... cudn't be any further away from truth tho.... :)
TradeSmart - I like your choice of cup and matching jumper. VERY stylish!

well someone's got to stand in for Lily Savage while her (?!) 'dicky ticker' recuperates......... ;)


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