Any ideas on rare but great books for me to read?


Well-known member
Well my new job allows me to become a member of the British Library. Although I haven't actually been there yet I imagine that will give me access to some old and rare books that may be hard to find normally.

As I agree that unless it was written over 50 years ago it should generally still be classed as work to be judged I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for some rarer great books I should look for?

I am looking elsewhere for ideas on anything that may be of interest so it may not necessarily be just straight trading books, but as I'm inherently lazy can any one profer any ideas to start with?
Gann’s book “The Tunnel Thru The Air”😆😆😆😆😆 sorry i just fell off my chair😆
The Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

By THE great Sir Issac Newton.

It's 3 volumes, and doesn't make much sense until the 3rd.

However, it's in Latin, which may or may not be a problem for you 🙂
may. I do however intend to see what originals they hold and at least try and browse through them.
😛 latins easy, dont worry it wont take long to pick up .... caecilius est mortem😆
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Only Latin I know is Victoria Concordia Crescit which not only have I adopted for myself but with a bit of research may give away the reason for my username.
Only Latin I know is Victoria Concordia Crescit which not only have I adopted for myself but with a bit of research may give away the reason for my username.

its a shame no one taught Gallas latin 😛
My old school motto was "absque labore nihil", which is very relevant to trading in fact - "without work, nothing"

(sorry this is off the topic of rare books, but I thought it worth adding !)

Wyckoff might be worth a read, lots of interesting little snippets......


Only Latin I know is Victoria Concordia Crescit which not only have I adopted for myself but with a bit of research may give away the reason for my username.
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My old school motto was "absque labore nihil", which is very relevant to trading in fact - "without work, nothing"

(sorry this is off the topic of rare books, but I thought it worth adding !)

Wyckoff might be worth a read, lots of interesting little snippets......


"nothing without labour"