Any concerns with Capital Spreads ?

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Any concerns with Capital Spreads ?
Hi Traders,

I would like to get some feedback from traders using Capital Spreads (UK based spreadbetting broker) about their trading platform and whether they have any issues with them.

Recently I am starting to notice a certain behaviour from Capital Spreads trading platform which looked suspiciously manipulated to cause "inconvenience" to traders when placing their orders especially when trading well (personal experience)

This is what happened to me and I would be grateful for any feed back from Capital Spreads users so that we can stop this unfair practice or to warn others of it !

I currently make use of buy/sell stops for my trading strategy and very rarely market orders. A while back Capital Spreads improved their platform to make it very convenient for traders to place their trades with a new user friendly version of Order Ticket.

Please refer to the picture of this latest version Order Ticket I have attached to this post.
With this latest version of Order Ticket, traders just need to use the buttons to adjust their stakes, stoplosses, limit orders etc. There is no need to type in the market price, stakes, SL, etc as was required with the older version of the Order Ticket.

The issue I had with Capital Spreads lately was that they kept switching me back to the old version of Order Ticket, creating much inconvenience to me because I have to type in the price, the stakes, then click another button to go to another ticket to adjust the stop loss which I have to calculate myself and type in the market price where I want the stop loss to be at. You can imagine how inconvenient and time consuming that is to a trader. The new version is user friendly and has no need for any calculation as all you need is to adjust the SL button to show the number of pips you want to use as stop loss and the calculation is done automatically.

Now my problem with Capital Spreads only happened lately when I have become better in my trading and am not losing to them as I have been doing frequently for the last 2+ years. I kept being switched back to the old version Order Ticket whenever I am trading well and then switched back to the new version when I have had a few losses. To me that smelt of manipulation on Capital Spreads part to cause the winning trader as much inconvenience as possible. I cannot see any other reason than that.

I have written to them to voice my concerns and told them I would investigate the matter further and make a formal complaint if I find anything unfair and unethical in their business practice. Strangely enough, I have now the new version of Order Ticket since my email of complaint. However, this is not going to stop my mission of finding out if other Capital Spreads users are experiencing the same issue.

Thank you for reading this post.....I look forward to any responses.


  • Capital Spreads.jpg
    Capital Spreads.jpg
    234.4 KB · Views: 345 much have you lost? And do not, repeat do not, give me the "It's the principle that's the issue, not the money" rhetoric... much have you lost? And do not, repeat do not, give me the "It's the principle that's the issue, not the money" rhetoric...

I don't think you understood my post at all. What gave you the impression I was complaining about that? In fact I was saying that my trading is at an improved level ie I am not losing money as I used to for over 2 years to them. Even during that long spell of losing (and I can tell you I have lost close to a 6 figure sum) did I ever complain once of broker manipulation causing my losses. I am not one that's quick to pass the blame for my own F-ck ups! So, please be a bit more open minded and see that I have a genuine complaint about what I posted (repeat not about my losing).

My reason for posting is to highlight what I perceive as an unfair practice that has come to my attention through personal experience. Also I wanted to find out from other users whether they have experienced the same thing as myself ie of having a new user friendly version of Order Ticket suddenly changed to an older non-user friendkly version. That's all! So I am sorry I won't be providing no rhetoric about losing money as that's not an issue here. You seem very protective of Capital Spreads without really giving me a chance here. Your very first post in reply (in the other thread) was rather infantile, if I may say so , especially for somebody carrying the title of Forum Guide. It's no big issue here with me if you choose to conduct yourself in that manner, I couldn't give a toss as long as my message gets across to other more mature members.
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Can I ask, I'm really curious: What is the time frame of your typical trade?

I only trade breakouts from the 5 mins time frame. If you are wondering whether I scalp, the answer is I don't. My trades can go on for hours if I can catch the breakout correctly as I am after the runners not a few quick pips. I do close my losing trades ie the fakeouts fairly quickly though before they hit my hard stop.
I do close my losing trades ie the fakeouts fairly quickly though before they hit my hard stop.

I like to imagine doing something myself (one day). Haven't chosen a SB firm yet. Do you hold many swing trades overnight, few days?
I like to imagine doing something myself (one day). Haven't chosen a SB firm yet. Do you hold many swing trades overnight, few days?

Have pm'ed you with answer as I don't want to go off topic here. Thank you for your understanding.
I don't think you understood my post at all. What gave you the impression I was complaining about that? In fact I was saying that my trading is at an improved level ie I am not losing money as I used to for over 2 years to them. Even during that long spell of losing (and I can tell you I have lost close to a 6 figure sum) did I ever complain once of broker manipulation causing my losses. I am not one that's quick to pass the blame for my own F-ck ups! So, please be a bit more open minded and see that I have a genuine complaint about what I posted (repeat not about my losing).

My reason for posting is to highlight what I perceive as an unfair practice that has come to my attention through personal experience. Also I wanted to find out from other users whether they have experienced the same thing as myself ie of having a new user friendly version of Order Ticket suddenly changed to an older non-user friendkly version. That's all! So I am sorry I won't be providing no rhetoric about losing money as that's not an issue here. You seem very protective of Capital Spreads without really giving me a chance here. Your very first post in reply (in the other thread) was rather infantile, if I may say so , especially for somebody carrying the title of Forum Guide. It's no big issue here with me if you choose to conduct yourself in that manner, I couldn't give a toss as long as my message gets across to other more mature members.

TBH I'm not that interested in your *pain* and my school prefect's badge aint gonna prevent me from speaking my mind on a forum. If you have issues with Capital Spreads then why not take 'em up with CS direct, or post them on the CS thread were Simon (a Director of the company) could possibly answer them directly?...Instead you decide to start you own mini crusade and resurrect an old dead thread; quite a forum *skill* for someone who'd only posted twice up until yesterday...😏
TBH I'm not that interested in your *pain* and my school prefect's badge aint gonna prevent me from speaking my mind on a forum. If you have issues with Capital Spreads then why not take 'em up with CS direct, or post them on the CS thread were Simon (a Director of the company) could possibly answer them directly?...Instead you decide to start you own mini crusade and resurrect an old dead thread; quite a forum *skill* for someone who'd only posted twice up until yesterday...😏

TBH I am not interested in whether you do or not as there wasn't any issue about me complaining of losing. You asked a question and I responded.
As a forum guide, perhaps you could have been better mannered as to advise me that I was posting in the wrong place (as I wasn't aware of a thread dedicated to CS at that time), rather than that infantile first response.
You are right I am starting a mini campaign to raise an awareness of underhand practice(s) by CS and I am within my right to do it in a public forum. What is so wrong with that ? Wouldn't you want to right a wrong if you become aware of it? If your answer is no, then it says it all of the man you are. Perhaps your "difficult" attitude has something to do with Capital Spreads being one of T2W preferred brokers?

And another thing before I go, here's a reminder of what T2W's aims are, in case that prefect badge of yours has got too big that it has hindered your ability to see further than your own nose There is no need for you to reply to my post as I don't wish to take up your valuable time any have have an important monitoring role to maintain and there are more needy people who need your invaluable and extremely helpful 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴kind of posts.

Trade2Win (T2W) prides itself on being the leading community web site for active traders. Our aim is simple, we want to unite and support active traders across the globe. To this end we provide a range of facilities to enable our members to communicate with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives.

Lol! What a load of sh-t if the people who run this forum have people like you in a monitoring role here preventing people from expressing a legitimate concern!
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TBH I am not interested in whether you do or not as there wasn't any issue about me complaining of losing. You asked a question and I responded.
As a forum guide, perhaps you could have been better mannered as to advise me that I was posting in the wrong place (as I wasn't aware of a thread dedicated to CS at that time), rather than that infantile first response.
You are right I am starting a mini campaign to raise an awareness of underhand practice(s) by CS and I am within my right to do it in a public forum. What is so wrong with that ? Wouldn't you want to right a wrong if you become aware of it? If your answer is no, then it says it all of the man you are. Perhaps your "difficult" attitude has something to do with Capital Spreads being one of T2W preferred brokers?

And another thing before I go, here's a reminder of what T2W's aims are, in case that prefect badge of yours has got too big that it has hindered your ability to see further than your own nose There is no need for you to reply to my post as I don't wish to take up your valuable time any have have an important monitoring role to maintain and there are more needy people who need your invaluable and extremely helpful 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴kind of posts.

Trade2Win (T2W) prides itself on being the leading community web site for active traders. Our aim is simple, we want to unite and support active traders across the globe. To this end we provide a range of facilities to enable our members to communicate with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives.

Lol! What a load of sh-t if the people who run this forum have people like you in a monitoring role here preventing people from expressing a legitimate concern!

When you say "before you go", are you done yet, is that it, is this your bye byes..? 😀
TBH I am not interested in whether you do or not as there wasn't any issue about me complaining of losing. You asked a question and I responded.
As a forum guide, perhaps you could have been better mannered as to advise me that I was posting in the wrong place (as I wasn't aware of a thread dedicated to CS at that time), rather than that infantile first response.
You are right I am starting a mini campaign to raise an awareness of underhand practice(s) by CS and I am within my right to do it in a public forum. What is so wrong with that ? Wouldn't you want to right a wrong if you become aware of it? If your answer is no, then it says it all of the man you are. Perhaps your "difficult" attitude has something to do with Capital Spreads being one of T2W preferred brokers?

And another thing before I go, here's a reminder of what T2W's aims are, in case that prefect badge of yours has got too big that it has hindered your ability to see further than your own nose There is no need for you to reply to my post as I don't wish to take up your valuable time any have have an important monitoring role to maintain and there are more needy people who need your invaluable and extremely helpful 😴😴😴😴😴😴😴kind of posts.

Trade2Win (T2W) prides itself on being the leading community web site for active traders. Our aim is simple, we want to unite and support active traders across the globe. To this end we provide a range of facilities to enable our members to communicate with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives.

Lol! What a load of sh-t if the people who run this forum have people like you in a monitoring role here preventing people from expressing a legitimate concern!

tbh i gave up with them....I don't think there is anything dishonest with them....the site is just so slow compared with practically all the opposition. The slowness is unbeleiveable.
Bakuli, now I have to go against you. The problem you mention have already been discussed on another thread. Simon from CS gave in my opinion quite a good answer on the the order ticket problem you uncounted. CS also immediately took care of the problem upon receiving your complain. Taking up the same issue on a new thread does not support your case at all.
Sorry, maybe I was a little bit too fast in my reply. This thread was started half an hour before posting on the other thread. Still the issue have been discussed thoroughly on the other thread.
Firstly, I think anyone has the right to start their own thread if they wish to, and not feel obliged to limit their discussion to previous threads with similar themes.

I can also actually understand a poster sometimes wishing to keep the discussion away from a thread where a representative of a particular firm regularly posts. To keep the discussion among the customer side of the desk, if you like. If the representative of the firm then chooses to respond in the new thread, that's another matter. If the OP then chooses to enter the thread where the representative of the firm in question posts, that is also another matter.

OP: I no longer use Capital Spreads - didn't like the platform for one thing, but since stopping using them, at a later time I started using Tradefair, which is in the same group. Simpler platform (better in my opinion, at least for most things). Maybe you could give that a try and see if you get the same effects (It's a different trading ticket anyway, as far as I remember).

You should be aware OP, if you are not already, that people here generally are a bit suspicious of posters with only a very few posts to their name coming on very strongly against (or indeed in favour) of any particular organisation.
Firstly, I think anyone has the right to start their own thread if they wish to, and not feel obliged to limit their discussion to previous threads with similar themes.

I can also actually understand a poster sometimes wishing to keep the discussion away from a thread where a representative of a particular firm regularly posts. To keep the discussion among the customer side of the desk, if you like. If the representative of the firm then chooses to respond in the new thread, that's another matter. If the OP then chooses to enter the thread where the representative of the firm in question posts, that is also another matter.

OP: I no longer use Capital Spreads - didn't like the platform for one thing, but since stopping using them, at a later time I started using Tradefair, which is in the same group. Simpler platform (better in my opinion, at least for most things). Maybe you could give that a try and see if you get the same effects (It's a different trading ticket anyway, as far as I remember).

You should be aware OP, if you are not already, that people here generally are a bit suspicious of posters with only a very few posts to their name coming on very strongly against (or indeed in favour) of any particular organisation.
Of course anyone can start a thread on any subject. This is what a forum like this is for, but bringing up the same issue on several threads simultaneous is not the best way to promote your case and bring attention to the issue at hand.
By the way, Simon roams all over the place.🙂
Of course anyone can start a thread on any subject. This is what a forum like this is for, but bringing up the same issue on several threads simultaneous is not the best way to promote your case and bring attention to the issue at hand.
Is that what this particular OP has done though? That was not quite the impression I had formed.

By the way, Simon roams all over the place.🙂

Am I supposed to find that reassuring?
I am not sure that I do.

I think there would be a case for "vendor-free" threads, except that it would be impossible to police. Hardly anyone on here these days seems to be who they purport to be (or not to be).
Is that what this particular OP has done though? That was not quite the impression I had formed.

Am I supposed to find that reassuring?
I am not sure that I do.

I think there would be a case for "vendor-free" threads, except that it would be impossible to police. Hardly anyone on here these days seems to be who they purport to be (or not to be).
A "vendor-free" thread, I don't think that is such a good idea. Simon is one of the few SB representatives writing on this forum, as long as I am concerned he can stay on and contribute on any thread as long as he finds it rewarding.
A "vendor-free" thread, I don't think that is such a good idea. Simon is one of the few SB representatives writing on this forum, as long as I am concerned he can stay on and contribute on any thread as long as he finds it rewarding.

Well, I've now looked back at the OP's relatively few posts and I see that yes, he did post in more than one thread, although he didn't start the other one. I am guessing he thought he might get more response in an established thread. Perhaps he was being a little paranoid, but at least he adopted a reasonable tone and didn't rant. I don't think he deserved to be jumped on (I know that you didn't do so). There is a spectrum of views expressed throughout T2W over time, ranging from extreme hostility towards SB firms - they can't do anything right, to the complete opposite. Neither extreme is particularly useful.

I suppose I don't really feel strongly about vendor-free threads, even if it were workable. I think there is a case to be made though for discussions held among traders by and for traders, and those where we are addressing points to vendors and giving them chance to respond if they wish to. Needless to say, traders are not party to discussions taking place among SB company exployees... 🙂 (well, not in general....).