Any arcades/prop paying a salary?

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Junior member
Hi, does anyone know of any arcades/prop firm that pay a basic salary? I dont mean the 1k a month that a few do. A proper salary that you can actually live off, not just pay for lunch.

Obviously with the salary the standard deals of profit splits 50/50, 60/40, 70/30 would go out the window and some other arrangement would be provided.

It seems that the list of Arcades available on this site is quite out of date. A few of the firms on there have gone bust and some newer ones arent on there.
I am not aware of any trading arcade that pays a salary, it really is a contradiction in terms. Trading Arcades take on professional traders, that is to say people who trade for a living, if they are successful then a split of profits by definition is all they need. If you need a salary the assumption would be you cannot make a living from your trading and therefore you are not worth employing?
I know of one very specific arrangement where one very specific and very valuable person who has been with the company for over a decade gets a salary in return for a lower profit split, so there is no reason why it can *never* happen - prop shops are businesses after all, they can negotiate whatever terms they like, but basically... yeah, what Parky said.
I am not aware of any trading arcade that pays a salary, it really is a contradiction in terms. Trading Arcades take on professional traders, that is to say people who trade for a living, if they are successful then a split of profits by definition is all they need. If you need a salary the assumption would be you cannot make a living from your trading and therefore you are not worth employing?

But sometimes people who are interested to become a trader they have not capital to trade. this is the reason why they are looking for opportunity.
I am not aware of any trading arcade that pays a salary, it really is a contradiction in terms. Trading Arcades take on professional traders, that is to say people who trade for a living, if they are successful then a split of profits by definition is all they need. If you need a salary the assumption would be you cannot make a living from your trading and therefore you are not worth employing?

But sometimes people who are interested to become a trader they have not capital to trade. this is the reason why they are looking for opportunity.
Whatever you do, don't get it into your head that anyone is going to give you a salary. It happened at times back in the day when there was a lot more money laying around. You can forget it now days though.