Another wanna be trader! just give it a quick read ;)


Hey guys

Thanks in advance for your time.

I have recently finished my masters in aerospace engineering (not name dropping, just saying I'm quite good in maths 😉 !) and also got my bachelors in the same subject last year from university of manchester.
I got introduced to FX market couple of years ago and to be honest, it gave a new meaning to my life. I took some short courses back then and started trading demo and then real money just about 2 years ago. Since then I have learnt a lot about trading and took more advanced courses to help me with my trading. last year I managed to book a very decent profit which helped paying a lot of credit cards bills (student life, eh?!) and purchase of a nice car!
Since I finished uni I have been thinking of getting a job in the city as a trader (mainly to gain more experience in the field) and after few years of successful trading hopefully move towards hedge funds. Many traders or course teachers have told me it is almost impossible to get any sort of trading job at the moment and also despite having a Masters, my 2.2 bachelors degree is not something investment firms would be ok with.
So just to sum up, Ive got about 2 years of private trading experience, some formal education in markets and couple of decent degrees but not sure if these would be enough for employers at the moment.
Also some traders have suggested doing the SII and technical analysis course from STA (society of technical analysis) to increase my chances of getting into the professional trading world.
I would really appreciate any comments or guidance from you guys as Im well confused at the moment.
Sorry about the long post. hope you get to read this bit 😉
Sorry that the first reply to your thread may be kind of irrelevant as I have no idea about jobs in the city, but why not just trade you own account if you are able to trade?
Thanks for the quick reply.
Ive got enough capital to trade but im here to trade professionally and as full time job. Ive traded for myself for about 2 years and I think its time to move up. Im thinking of starting a part time MSc in investment fund management so having real work experience would really help me in future as well.
I think everyone would agree with the fact that getting into the wall st or city would be far more beneficial to me than trading my own account for now.
Just a comment. I've observed that many times, people who express interest in working as a trader for a firm or a hedge fund are told they'd be better off trading on their own. May I know why that is? Can someone enumerate the pros and cons for both options?
