Ann Barnhardt explains MF Global - great interview


Experienced member
a little old news now but great interview....

MUST LISTEN...Ann Barnhardt explains MF Global ( Mirror marcchabotyt ) - YouTube

so the main unprecedented criminal corporate behaviour which went down:
1. MFG froze customer accounts before filing for bankruptcy
2. CME transferred customer funds to 3rd party clearing funds and customers were then asked to deposit margin again for any open trades
3. Bankruptcy trust allowed to claw back any deposits withdrawn by customers

f crazy stuff. and then she mentions that MF Global are still trading!!!
rite, I waz listenin while doing over bits and bobs (waiting for bonds to break out of the chop). Anyway, she is obviously a republican conpiracy theorist, but really a commodity broker? At about 12 mins in, she is like "if you understand 4th grade math [sic], you'll know that europe is finished". Then she says that there is more debt in europe to bail out than there in money in the world. wtf? she is obviously delusional.
First class lunatic, right up there with Ann Coulter and the rest of them.
well i will volunteer and take her out 4 dinner and schmooze her and i will show her how people that are obviously bonkers (or plonkers) are welcome on tradetowin.

I will as well, try to smash it.

That's my impression too - what is she saying that you peeps take issue with?

Well I suspect the herd don't like being told some home truths. It takes them out of their comfort zone :LOL:

As each day goes by, more and more people are coming to the realisation that there is no govt out there to protect them and it's not the fault of the doom mongers who deliver the message but the fault of all those in power who are clearly corrupt and inept.
Yeah but who paints an M4 pink? Something not right with her.


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No idea. But her views on the state of the US political and regulatory bodies ought to fill you with fear.

sorry, but one precludes the other.

EDIT: What she says about the US Gvnt, whatever it is, might well be true. My point is that she is so far off-base on some issues that I can't take any of her other argumets seriously. As MG says, she just isn't credible.