Android app to help you practice tading.


Here is an app to let you practice stock market trading. TyTrades . It use historical data and you can trade in the past, if you could not trade in the past you will not be able to trade in the future. Good way to practice trading.
IB TWS MOBILE - you can use this in a demo account to trade live data - though delayed.
I should have mentioned that you need to actually open an account with them to get access to their demo platform.
How does it work? Does it cost anything?
App is free. It is an Android app. You are presented with a random stock in random date. Than you can trade it or pass. It is like a VCR for stock market. In contrast with paper trading with up to date data you don't have to wait to see how you did.
It is a good way to learn about price action.
The App is not bad. It's free or the Pro version is under $1 to buy. With the Pro version you can then put in symbols of your choice and even use the latest data but obviously then cant fast forward. There are a few more indicators too.

There are limitations though:

- It shows you the stock and the date. Sounds useful but when presented with AAPL at $4 a share, you're not going to go short are you!

- No way to change the invested amount or set stops etc. Its always all in.

- Each time you close the app, it resets to your start capital ($10,000)

That said, its ok as a game. Not sure i believe the claims of getting months of trading experience in hours.
Chris if you look in YouTube you can find videos on how the IB TWS mobile works. It really works for me as I work full time so it allows me trade during my lunch break.
If you got to setting and if you tweet, it tweets symbol date and closing price.
I set stock to random and latest price in settings this way I can post tweets to my account and check it later how I did.
Sounds like a waste of time. Would much rather do some demo trading. Any brokerages that offer this the way forex brokers do?