Interviews An Interview with Kermit Zieg

Anyone who has studied point and figure charting will be aware of Kermit Zieg, who has published many articles and books on the subject. In this interview, George Hallmey met Kermit in his home near Washington and discussed with him his trading style.

In the interview, Kermit explains

  1. Some of the history of point and figure charting.
  2. The advantages of point and figure over other charting methods.
  3. How he combines point and figure charting with an options strategy to swing trade US stocks.
  4. How he selects stocks to trade.
The interview is provided in streaming video format below. If you have trouble viewing it, please download the interview instead.

George met Kermit as part of a series of 18 in depth inteviews with successful traders. All of the interviews are available on a ClickEvents CD, Interviews with Traders.
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