Amplify Trading-my journey

As one of the early posters who was very negative about amplify and still am.I just want to wish you all the best as you go live.What sort of set ups are you using.


appreciate the support, thanks.

r.e set ups it really depends on the day, it if is trending i just tend to follow the trend for example last week when consumer confidence came out at 54.9% which was a 15% jump and best since September 08 it shot up over 50 ticks, i just rode it most the way. If it is ranging the i tend to use stochs, S/R and candles, sticking to really simple buy on resist and sell on support but i look to have at least 3 confirmations before i take a trade which has worked very well so far.

as to being negative about Amplify, i can see why with all the bad press from THAT other company and people will be skeptical at first hence why i took the plunge and wrote this blog to give an insight as to how it is run, all i can say is that in time the facts will speak for itself. Amplify has just had the 3rd intake start today and things are progressing so hopefully in time people will see that these guys are the real deal and not out to make a quick buck.

all the best.


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fine but you could have learnt all of what they teach you for nothing on this site.If however they have got you to become a disciplined trader who uses R/Reward ratio to its best possible outcome,then its possible its well worth the money.
fine but you could have learnt all of what they teach you for nothing on this site.If however they have got you to become a disciplined trader who uses R/Reward ratio to its best possible outcome,then its possible its well worth the money.

and that is exactly what they have done.Discipline is emphasized on day 1, i wouldnt be one of the 1st ones to trade LIVE if i didn't show improvement in my discipline during training and utlising the R/R before every trade. you can only learn so much by yourself, you need that person with trading experience to mentor you along the way.

and YES they also back you with all losses for the 1st 4 months absorbed. so you are not paying for just basic knowledge of S/R, it is abit more than that..........but let's not get into a debate as this is a journal. Like i said facts speak for itself, they are on the 3rd intake now and so far no complaints.

fine but you could have learnt all of what they teach you for nothing on this site.If however they have got you to become a disciplined trader who uses R/Reward ratio to its best possible outcome,then its possible its well worth the money.

Not exactly Julian
I agree on the setups, as I ve learned exactly same stuff on this site (and now riding a trend for the 3 rd day on currency pair for about +400 pips now?). But the diffrence is, he has company funds, and will get good cut from it, while I ll be trading pennies day to day.


I think people should be careful making opinions on companies that they have no first hand experience of - Particularly if the sole reason is because they have had a bad experience with an entirely different company.

I don't have any opinions on Amplify - I just think Traderboi should be taken on face value as someone who has experienced what they have to offer, whatever his opinions may be !!
Keep up the thread. Its interesting to see a different viewpoint.

To those who feel critical - its ok to feel critical, hell, I want to throttle the stupid newsreaders most nights (what sort of moron do they think I am!!!). But its not useful in this context - what is useful is to see someone else's viewpoint even if you doubt it. Or to switch the damned news off.

Its not a path I'll take but I can understand that it would suit some and given the failure rate on my path it would have to be worth a shot if you thought you might prefer the environment.
Traderboi. Please keep it up, I find your journal very useful and interesting. Ignore the haters, which you keep referring to all the time. Continue please...
Btw, a bit offtopic I guess but I tried and couldnt find the answer. As an individual can I open a demo/live S&P 500 emini account from any UK service provider? Seems all big ones (IG, Capitalspreads, Selftrade, etc) are more into spreadbetting, traditional stock accounts.

fine but you could have learnt all of what they teach you for nothing on this site.If however they have got you to become a disciplined trader who uses R/Reward ratio to its best possible outcome,then its possible its well worth the money.

No offence but no, you couldnt have learnt it here, and I say that having been on this site, and many others, since 2006. If you could you'd all be making good profits rather than wondering if Amplify was worth the money. There is some great stuff here but also some absolute nonsense and you've no way of knowing the difference, only answer is to go with the professionals.
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No offence but no, you couldnt have learnt it here, and I say that having been on this site, and many others, since 2006. If you could you'd all be making good profits rather than wondering if Amplify was worth the money. There is some great stuff here but also some absolute nonsense and you've no way of knowing the difference, only answer is to go with the professionals.

So far he says he's learned S+R, candle patterns, and stochastics - I'd be shocked if there's anything he's learning that isn't freely available on the web.
Btw, a bit offtopic I guess but I tried and couldnt find the answer. As an individual can I open a demo/live S&P 500 emini account from any UK service provider? Seems all big ones (IG, Capitalspreads, Selftrade, etc) are more into spreadbetting, traditional stock accounts.

I haven't been able to find out paper account for free, found only on fee for trading on futures traded on CBOT, CME and Forex (only electronic contracts and no futures options) with real time data feed.
If you search for some US brokers platforms and data vendors you will be able to get it. But for fee, for platform and data feeding.
Hope to be useful.
So far he says he's learned S+R, candle patterns, and stochastics - I'd be shocked if there's anything he's learning that isn't freely available on the web.

how about psychology sessions on how to be a better trader? and trading discipline? and market profile? money management? and professional MENTORSHIP? anyway please do not turn my journal into a debate, i weighed up the pro's and con's and made my choice, i can honestly say that i wouldn't have reached the stage i am at now by just learning of this website. And if you could really become a good trader by learning all this stuff from the web then companies like Futex, Schneider, Mako would be out of business.

Anyway, can everyone please RESPECT THIS JOURNAL and not make negative comments, the whole point of this is to give an unbiased insight into the training structure of Amplify Trading and my trading progression so that potential traders can make an informed decision based on facts rather than hear'say and whether it is something suited to them.
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how about psychology sessions on how to be a better trader? and trading discipline? and market profile? money management? and professional MENTORSHIP? anyway please do not turn my journal into a debate, i weighed up the pro's and con's and made my choice, i can honestly say that i wouldn't have reached the stage i am at now by just learning of this website. And if you could really become a good trader by learning all this stuff from the web then companies like Futex, Schneider, Mako would be out of business.

Anyway, can everyone please RESPECT THIS JOURNAL and not make negative comments, the whole point of this is to give an unbiased insight into the training structure of Amplify Trading and my trading progression so that potential traders can make an informed decision based on facts rather than hear'say and whether it is something suited to them.

What an asinine comparison.

The main thing you can learn from other traders that you can't get from bookwork or just doing it yourself is experience, and the question is whether Amplify provides that.

(I have no opinion on this incidentally, as I don't know enough about them. I just felt like protecting academia)
What an asinine comparison.

The main thing you can learn from other traders that you can't get from bookwork or just doing it yourself is experience, and the question is whether Amplify provides that.

(I have no opinion on this incidentally, as I don't know enough about them. I just felt like protecting academia)

and why is it a stupid comparison?

experience is exactly what Amplify provides. No one in there right mind is just going to pay to learn basic S/R.
I don't know whether experience is provided by Amplify - I guess my problem is that you're comparing university with Amplify, when they're two entirely different types of learning.

This isn't a criticism of Amplify, incidentally. Others can do that 😛
I don't know whether experience is provided by Amplify - I guess my problem is that you're comparing university with Amplify, when they're two entirely different types of learning.

This isn't a criticism of Amplify, incidentally. Others can do that 😛


i never did compare Amplify with a UNI.