Yes i am extremely profitable. in fact so profitable that only last week me and the missus went shopping for private jets. We'd picked 1 we were really happy with until an argument broke out over if we should go for the synthetic upholstery or the real animal skin. naturally i opted for the rare extinct tiger print fur with the big brown baby seal eyes for landing lights which is when my wife had a massive go at me for becoming totally materialistic and how i never listen to her. at least i think it was something along those lines i wasn't really much attention to what she was saying.
needless to say i intend to have the jet painted with the amplify logo and colours and have the head traders portraits plastered on the wings because i feel so obliged.
Guys wake up. give up this dream of making your millions through trading. I am a full time independent trader and it is the hardest most miserable job there is. There are weeks where im up, and weeks where i am down. looking back i make more than i lose and the weeks where i am up are great. last week i traded all week and ended up at a loss of over $400. i literally would've been better off financially if i sat in front of the sofa watching tv then trying to trade the markets from 8 - 5 every day. How many of you are willing to work for free some weeks or at a loss? Because unless you are lucky to get a job in a bank thats what you'll end up doing.
To be a trader you need 2 things
1. A very high threshold to pain
2. the willingness to work for free while you learn this business. (Which will take most up to 2 years. if you're really good you can do it in 1.)
you really believe you can do it in under a year? congrats to being the 95%.
Why do you hardly hear of any REAL traders on this forum? or any forum? Because trading quickly churns up and spits those out only looking to drive the lambo's and be surrounded by hookers enjoying copious amounts of pork sausage. And all you're left with are those that want to fight through the pain, learn to trade first and make money second. There are no ego's left by the end of it. just the knowledge that there will be weeks where the market gives, the market taketh, and when it decides to will give you a sore ass.
Amplify can teach you to trade, they cannot teach you to be profitable. There are many traders far better than me who even though were being backed left because they needed a wage, and they realized that the time needed to invest in order to become consistently profitable was gonna take too long so they took the job route instead and quit trading.
March 4th will be my 1 year anniversary since i started the course and it has taken me this long to build up the consistency and confidence needed to trade real size. And i have yet to take a penny out! I'm reinvesting all the money i make back into my trading account so i can increase my size but still keep my risk the same. im hoping that by the summer i might take my first wage from this entire trading venture.
So lets add this up shall we -
£5000 course fees + $4000 trading margin (so as to trade real size on both e-mini SP and eur$) + all your expenses needed to survive 18 months on no wage while you learn this business. (by business i mean until the market has broken down your ego, instilled discipline and gives you the confidence to fight through the pain barrier and take every trade that is in line with your strategy regardless if you win or lose) and then maybe, just maybe you might make it as an independent trader.
Hows that for an promo for getting into this business!
Amplify are genuine, you will be taught by successful traders who are widely respected within the industry. They have been doing this job a long time. but they can't make you profitable. that is purely down to you and how realistic your expectations are when it comes to learning this as a career.
Wow apologies for this long rant. Anyone would think ive had another loser today.....thank God ive got Amplify paying me to keep posting on these forums.....