Amibroker MACD and DMI Alert



I'm new to this community and I`m currently trying to find a solution for a programming question.

I just made an Alert that is detecting crossover with the 'signal' line. My problem is that I want to add another condition to trigger a buy signal. This condition is a crossover of the DMI- with the DMI+ line. The biggest problem is that I want a windows of time say like 8 days so if condition 1 (MACD) and 2(DMI) happen that will trigger a buy signal.

Also, I wanted to know if it was possible to make a sell signal if DMI is losing momentum. Here is a scenario to explain a little but more what I mean. If the DMI retrace down to 10% that will trigger a sell signal.

Here my MACD crossover detection :

#pragma nocache
#include_once "D:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Formulas\Custom\Indicator for Alert\"

Buy = Cross( ZeroLagMACD, ZeroLagTRIG );
Buytext = "Good time to buy";

Sell = Cross( ZeroLagTRIG, ZeroLagMACD );
SellText = "Good time to sell";

Also I wanted to know if it was possible to mix my historical database with backfill or intraday data ?

Thanks for your help !
So this post got viewed 42 times but one is willing to give me an hint? Is amibroker still used by traders or it's too old? Does myrequest is possible or I'm asking way to much for this software?

So this post got viewed 42 times but one is willing to give me an hint? Is amibroker still used by traders or it's too old? Does myrequest is possible or I'm asking way to much for this software?


first thing
you join amibroker forums and post your full code,not parts
wait for sometime
it will be done
please mail me your code if ok with you
we see what can be done.
i know someone who tried to use a defective zerolag macd code so it never worked.
