Alpesh Patel


Hi Guys,
I have been following Alpesh Patel for a couple of years and believe that he talks a lot of sense about trading and investing. Like he doesn't promise to make everyone millionairs overnight!!!!@@@@!!!!

I am now thinking of buying his PipsPredator software for identifying potential swing trades.

Has anyone used this and made money from it? The current price is circa £2500 inc VAT and he reckons that one should be able to make circa £500/month from using it, i.e. 5 month payback period and one doesn't have to be glued to a computer screen all day long!

Has anyone got any comments after using PipsPredator, on the mentoring they received and on the Man Alpesh Patel himself.

Personally I'm not sure anyone should fork out hundreds (or thousands) for a strategy. Trading should be about learning your own style, deciding your own goals, making your own mistakes.
Do you really want to be tied to someone else's strategy, or 'system' ?
Surely, you can't lose with "The World's Number 1 Authority on Investing and Trading Online."

Or, maybe ...

Pips Predator Indicator Review: Scam by Alpesh Patel​

Oct 7, 2020 TheAdmin

Tags: Alphesh Patel, Is Pips Predator Indicator Legit or Scam?, Pips Predator Indicator Review

Welcome to our review of Pips Predator Indicator. The trading indicator is supposedly used by the CEOs of Bloomberg, CNN and CNBC.
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This sounds like complete baloney! And if the indicator is making money like some of our most recommended products here, the sales page should not be full of marketing fluff.
The websites proclaims that the tool is a simple indicator that can work with all markets including Forex, Stocks, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies and so on.
The owner of Pips Predator Indicator is selling it for $2,490 a copy.
According to company’s marketing materials, Pips Predator Indicator is owned by Alphesh Patel who claims to be an award-winning hedge fund manager.
Furthermore, places are limited in his personal guidance and coaching program. He is only “inviting” a few traders to learn how to get the most out of the market.
He is even claiming that he is a certified trader and mentor.
As if this is not enough, Mr. Alpesh of Pips Predator also proclaims that he is mentoring global investors, traders and entrepreneurs.
Mr. Alpesh has an exciting biography indeed. In fact, we had fun reading it because we knew the statements were unverifiable.
pips predator indicator

The following details highlight the declarations of his resume.
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  • Business, political and economic expertise has been used by the UK government as a “deal breaker between Asia and middle east.
  • Appointed by the UK Prime Minister to advice on policies that close ties between the UK and India
  • Featured on media outlets such as BBC’s Newsnight, CNN, Bloomberg, Sky Business News, CNBC and so on
  • Written over 200 columns in the Financial Times newspaper
In addition to this, Mr. Alpesh of proclaimed to have worked in the US congress and also for the UK government.
Apparently, Mr. Alpesh has also authored 18 books on investing and management.
Lastly, he is also working for charity causes.
Anybody with this kind of resume will definitely attract the attention of the world and should not be going through a typical day peddling any kind of financial snake oil.
The problem is that Alpesh is unknown in the trading circles but his website’s marketing materials proclaim that he is famous and has even worked for government organizations.
So, what exactly does the package look like if you decide to spend over 2K on it?
Well, according to the sales page, the Pips Predator indicator has an accuracy rate of 70%.
In addition to this, the indicator is suitable for both beginners and advanced traders. Mr. Alphesh is willing to provide 1 one 1 lifetime mentorship too.
The package will also include a business plan, access to a thriving community, 24hour trading and alerts through phone.
Other websites owned by Alpesh include and Both websites are making absurd claims about Alpesh and his supposed trading prowess.
Note the Following:

Many brokers and so-called investment firms are not honest. If they're illegally holding onto your money, you can easily recover it here.

Pips Predator Indicator Review​

The first thing to mention after all has been said and done is that the owner of Pips Predator indicator is making absurd claims just to sell something as simple as an indicator.
To summarize his character, we can say he is an indicator con artist and a delightful salesman.
This guy has mastered the art of top boiler room salesmanship. That is why he makes absurd claims instead of providing information about his trading system and why he believes it works.
He even claims to be a certified trader and mentor. The only problem with this statement is that there is actually zero evidence of this certification of a shit show.

Who is Alphesh Patel?​

This is a great question indeed. Before we buy the Pips Predator indicator, we need to find out how different this product is from thousands of similar indicators in the marketplace.
This is where Alpesh Patel comes in. His resume is completely made up.
This dude does not have a verifiable track record of successful trading. He claims to be an award-winning hedge fund manager.
Well, we would like to know if there is evidence that indeed he manages portfolio of other individuals through the alleged companies.
Apparently, this information is hidden but Mr. Alpesh is still peddling his crappy indicator using the same exact proclamations which are unable to verify.
With zero trading performance to back his claims (remember this indicator allegedly has 70% win rate), we can comfortably say this is a scam.

Fake reviews on the Pips Predator Indicator website​

Alpesh went ahead to create a page for “reviews” on his website where he posts all kinds of made-up feedback.
But you should remember there is no single marketer who will post criticism on their website.
Furthermore, those “testimonials” appear to be purely made up.
This page is meant to deceive the financially desperate.


Selling an indicator is not the problem. The problem is when a trading vendor decides to deceive his audience.
Technical analysis is not bad at all. All we need is verifiable trading results even for the last 1 month only so we can prove that indeed Alpesh is not a conman.
We know Alpesh of Pips Predator will feel bad when he reads this review.
On the other hand, our job is to expose vendors who use their silver-tongue language to sell over-priced indicators that do nothing more than what other indicators have done.
Thank you for reading.
Hi BigDeal and Rufus,
Thanks guys for a sensibility check!

I have been trading and investing for probably 10 years or more now but never been able to generate much headway. Mind you, I've not blown my account either!

I'm now retired and could do with some additional income as my pension is not performing very well of late. So I would like to spend some time swing trading and hopefully make some additional income in the process.

Oh well, sounds like another good idea might have bitten the dust!

Hi BigDeal and Rufus,
Thanks guys for a sensibility check!

I have been trading and investing for probably 10 years or more now but never been able to generate much headway. Mind you, I've not blown my account either!

I'm now retired and could do with some additional income as my pension is not performing very well of late. So I would like to spend some time swing trading and hopefully make some additional income in the process.

Oh well, sounds like another good idea might have bitten the dust!

Ian - as always caveat emptor - I don’t use the pips predator system and I’m not an acolyte of Alpesh Patel.
However I think the review of Alpesh is a tad harsh given that he actually has some sort of track record in fund management and trading and is a public figure (although he lacks humility and modesty he is also quite entertaining).
Most successful systems work through probability and risk management - I think this is what his system is trying to do BUT you can develop this yourself with discipline and experience or you can buy a system that can help you to do this. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth it and if it will help you. However I don’t think it’s a scam. Good luck.
Hi Swissy,
Thanks for your feedback.

I have personally attended one of Alpesh's presentations laid on by Bloomberg in their London Office. It was just after going to a trading seminar that was definitely a high pressure, spread betting, part with lots of cash before you leave the room, type crap session. Some people apparently did but they could have been stooges or just plain daft!

So when Alpesh stood up and said that if we thought that we could generate more than 10% per annum, from a medium-large pot, then we should be a highly paid city fund manager as that was what the very best fund managers were making about 10 years ago.

So that earned him some respect in my mind and brought me down with a bump!

However, I still haven't found anyone who has actually used PipsPredator or Alpesh's mentoring sessions.......
Hi Swissy,
Thanks for your feedback.

I have personally attended one of Alpesh's presentations laid on by Bloomberg in their London Office. It was just after going to a trading seminar that was definitely a high pressure, spread betting, part with lots of cash before you leave the room, type crap session. Some people apparently did but they could have been stooges or just plain daft!

So when Alpesh stood up and said that if we thought that we could generate more than 10% per annum, from a medium-large pot, then we should be a highly paid city fund manager as that was what the very best fund managers were making about 10 years ago.

So that earned him some respect in my mind and brought me down with a bump!

However, I still haven't found anyone who has actually used PipsPredator or Alpesh's mentoring sessions.......
Hi, there. I am one of those that has currently paid for 'Pipspredator' (the trading indicator).
I am also looking at paying £20k for the investment program.
To remove bias here is some key points I think are important.

-Multiple calls and reviews on my current progress and advice for future trades.

-I was not told to only use a certain broker.

-I have only used and was told to only use a demo account until consistently profitable(zoom call to review progress). I have been doing this for 4 months now. I am consistently profitable, so will be going live soon.

- I have been invited to Parliament and many days to go to his talks.
- I have also been pestered a lot to Join the Great investments Program (£20k)

- I have followed his free Stock market updates on YouTube for some time and seen a 10% return on my investments.
- he is on BBC very regularly

My concerns:
I have noticed though, that most of the reviews are from Indians. Is this a coincidence?
Hi, there. I am one of those that has currently paid for 'Pipspredator' (the trading indicator).
I am also looking at paying £20k for the investment program.
To remove bias here is some key points I think are important.

-Multiple calls and reviews on my current progress and advice for future trades.

-I was not told to only use a certain broker.

-I have only used and was told to only use a demo account until consistently profitable(zoom call to review progress). I have been doing this for 4 months now. I am consistently profitable, so will be going live soon.

- I have been invited to Parliament and many days to go to his talks.
- I have also been pestered a lot to Join the Great investments Program (£20k)

- I have followed his free Stock market updates on YouTube for some time and seen a 10% return on my investments.
- he is on BBC very regularly

My concerns:
I have noticed though, that most of the reviews are from Indians. Is this a coincidence?
Hi PrivateUser,
Yes this is one of the problems I find with Alpesh Patel. He does appear to be reasonably legit, and is pretty high profile around financial institutions and does not over-egg the likely returns from using his systems. Unlike some others I could mention, that are constantly telling their audience that they can become millionaires like themselves but you've got to hurry up and sign up, as the prices are going up or places are limited Or like others that offer a limited number of "apprenticeships" for £15k at the start of the day and then finally reduce the price to circa £5k before the end of the day! What happens to the gullible that snap up the first batch a the first coffee-break?

Of course if UK pensions weren't so pants, I wouldn't have to consider the Pips Predator route or the Great Investments program. I see that the Great Investments Programme is actually £30k now .... and I can't even get a quote for PP V4!

The other thing that I keep thinking is, if Alpesh really is so philanthropic and his investments so profitable, why doesn't he charge 10-20% of the profits he generates for people? If he is that confident of his abilities, I would happily pay on that basis?
Alpesh Patel appears as genuine as anyone I've met in any field. He advocates trend-following. He has for years been a fund manager so not likely to follow techniques we would use as private retail traders. And I'm not convinced the techniques a fund would use are right for us anyway. If you were setting out to build your own kit car, would you ask Ford how they build cars?

Trend-following does not require any expensive training, indicators or programmes.

Why not dig back in history and find the small-scale techniques he used to promote to private retail traders?
Back in the day when I wrote the Trading Plan Template (see link in my signature) I read Alpesh Patel's book ‘Trading Online’ as part of my research. In it, he gives one of the best pieces of advice I've ever read on why a trading plan is so important. He writes: “While a [trading] plan cannot predict the future, it can lay down how you react to the possible outcomes. This is why a plan is essential. It is a list of strategic responses to events beyond your control. You control the only thing you can control - yourself”.

Very sage advice which, if followed, will save any and all traders from a world of pain. I respect him for that.
I've spent a good deal of time reviewing Mr. Patel's weekly updates and the material he offers on his various websites. While considering his Great Investments offering (now at £30k!), I tried to perform my due diligence but haven't found much information beyond what he publishes himself. I'm quite conflicted, as I see both pros and cons.

- He does offer an incredible amount of useful (though often redundant) information on his sites for free, and I've learned a lot about investing.
- He spends more time than anyone I've encountered explaining his unique approach. I'm not sophisticated enough to see the flaws in his system, and it does offer common sense recommendations like stop-loss discipline, reasonable performance expectations and a long-term outlook.
- His material explains many of the boring realities of investing: a US S&P 500 Index outperforms the vast majority of investors, and those who can outperform the Index will charge you more for their service than their performance advantage; the folly of market timing, no matter how counter-intuitive.

On the other hand, we're lead to believe that he's the exception, who, despite his incredibly high fee, can give you the edge to consistently out-perform Index investing. He often explains how he successfully timed the market and avoided declines in 2022.

His system involves screening stocks with a number of sophisticated indicators like Cash Return on Invested Capitol (CROIC or CROCI), Sortino Ratio, Alpha and others, and I've only found one rather expensive site that can provide all these indicators. He provides members with an approved list of stocks sorted by these parameters, so there's some value in that.

For someone with not a huge porfolio, £30k is an incredibly large percentage of funds. I find the idea of a "lifetime" access to be really odd, as I have no idea whether his service will actually provide value over my, or his, lifetime. I'd rather pay a yearly fee, one that I can re-evaluate annually.

I too would love to hear positive feedback from a long-time Great Investments participant.
I've spent a good deal of time reviewing Mr. Patel's weekly updates and the material he offers on his various websites. While considering his Great Investments offering (now at £30k!), I tried to perform my due diligence but haven't found much information beyond what he publishes himself. I'm quite conflicted, as I see both pros and cons.

- He does offer an incredible amount of useful (though often redundant) information on his sites for free, and I've learned a lot about investing.
- He spends more time than anyone I've encountered explaining his unique approach. I'm not sophisticated enough to see the flaws in his system, and it does offer common sense recommendations like stop-loss discipline, reasonable performance expectations and a long-term outlook.
- His material explains many of the boring realities of investing: a US S&P 500 Index outperforms the vast majority of investors, and those who can outperform the Index will charge you more for their service than their performance advantage; the folly of market timing, no matter how counter-intuitive.

On the other hand, we're lead to believe that he's the exception, who, despite his incredibly high fee, can give you the edge to consistently out-perform Index investing. He often explains how he successfully timed the market and avoided declines in 2022.

His system involves screening stocks with a number of sophisticated indicators like Cash Return on Invested Capitol (CROIC or CROCI), Sortino Ratio, Alpha and others, and I've only found one rather expensive site that can provide all these indicators. He provides members with an approved list of stocks sorted by these parameters, so there's some value in that.

For someone with not a huge porfolio, £30k is an incredibly large percentage of funds. I find the idea of a "lifetime" access to be really odd, as I have no idea whether his service will actually provide value over my, or his, lifetime. I'd rather pay a yearly fee, one that I can re-evaluate annually.

I too would love to hear positive feedback from a long-time Great Investments participant.
I'm a short-time GIP participant - I joined earlier this year (2024). After a successful, but slightly haphazard approach to investing for the past ten years, I was looking for something more systematic and after some due diligence I went with Alpesh. Before making the decision to join, I had an online meeting with Paresh Kiri who explained how the programme works - this single meeting did more to dispel my scepticism than anything else.
It is indeed a large upfront outlay, and there are no guarantees - I think a combination of seeing the data with Paresh, and also feeling he was someone I could easily work with was hugely important to me. Alpesh is also a really nice chap.

I think his public broadcasts are actually really useful, and full of info. I've even noted that he says what he's purchased on the public broadcast but forgotten to mention it on the programme on at least one occasion!

I have been investing in the Quality Five, as Alpesh calls it for some time, and he regularly talks about that in the public material - I think combining that with his stop-loss strategy, also in the public domain, most people could do rather well with their investments.
So far, I've invested about 40% of my portfolio in companies on the 'list' - companies I would never have considered if left to my own devices, and I'm happy with the progress so far.

I like the one-off fee arrangement - I'm completely opposed to giving anyone a percentage of my wealth. I think the data will prove to be good, more wins than losses, I guess only time will tell ...
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