Alpari MT4 - Forex Historic Data


Junior member

There are old threads re: this created a few years back in a few forums. When I read them I realised the informations in those isn't valid any more. Hence raising it here.

Has anyone recently downloaded historical data for forex (e.g. EURUSD M1) from the Alpari MT4 demo account. This is via Tools > History Centre etc. I have for EURUSD M1 and the data goes back to 1999.

What I would like to find out is if this data is based on real prices OR is it indicative ? Did you have any issues with the data ? Please respond if you have done this recently as opposed to doing it a few yers back when I know there were issues (as I found fom some forum). I am hoping things may have improved since.

Many thanks. 🙂

Would the same data i.e. EURUSD M1 from Tradestation be more reliabble than the data obtained from Alpari MT4 using the above method ? Please let me know your thoughts. Many thanks. 🙂

I have downloaded the data, but I haven't checked it yet.

There are other free sources of data on the internet, some of them even tick data. You might want to compare them with Alpari.

For example, you can get free tick data from:

Gain Capital

You can also get 1-minute data from ForexTester but it's updated monthly, though I have found the quality to be good and it starts from 2001. I use this data a lot in my backtesting on Metastock.

FXHistoricalData also have hourly and daily data. I think it is updated weekly.