Alpari discussion and help thread

I haven't received any email to access the claims portal - when did you get it and what email address was it from ?
I think they were doing it in stages based on how simple the claim is I think.

If you had any trades open in CHF pairs that would delay it maybe.

Try emailing the address on the administers website.
Ive came back to my computer and Alpari have closed all my trades, loosing over $1000 off of my current balance, anyone got any idea what may have happened!!! they arent answering the phone!!

That’s right, but how do you know there wasn’t slippage, i.e. the market moved too quickly and/or was trading thinly in volume?

As I understand it, FCA covers £50k when a firm can’t pay (for example, if they went bust), but not necessarily because you’ve been slipped!
I got a welcome to my new account letter from ETX. I didn't request a new account !
They are being presumptious imho.
I got a welcome to my new account letter from ETX. I didn't request a new account !
They are being presumptious imho.

Im already with ETX, and they set up another account for me yesterday in USD! in expectation of getting money back from administrators. you can withdraw it straight away. Must say that ETX customer service is so much better than the Administrators!!! 😆
Claims for Alpari Clients

I posted the following on some other thread on t2w on the same subject.

Hai, I am also an account holder with Alpari. My account too is segregated. I agreed for my balances with the claims portal. ETX has sent me few emails on the developments with the claims process. I too wrote a mail to them seeking some clarifications on the terms of the MT4 forex accout with them. It looks, they opened an account on my name. Yesterday an executive of ETX has spoken to me over my mobile, and cleared some of my doubts on leverage, type of execution of orders, withdrawal procedure etc. I am satisfied a little bit with his confirmations. ETX is also registered with FCA, i.e in case of any unforeseen eventuality, FSCS will be there to protest the clients. FSCS has also given an option to transfer the funds to ETX account. You can find the same at their Alpari update under Q&A. (Link:

In the absence of any assurances & confirmations from either Alpari, KPMG or FSCS, the Alpari account holders, like me, are worried over the delays & developments. In the larger interests of all the accounts holders of Alpari, I would like to request the managements of Alpari, KPMG & FSCS to make a joint statements that the Transfer of funds to ETX will be safe & secure.


Did any one opened an account with ETX. I am satisfied with their replies & confirmations. I want to open my MT4 account with them. What is the experience of the existing account holders with ETX in trading Forex. Can anyone share your experience.
I sent an email to KPMG/Alpari asking about the FSCS claims procedure but have not heard back.

I have received confirmation from them that my claim has been assigned to FSCS - do I have to do anything now ? I have heard nothing from FSCS eiher since assigning the claim about 10 days ago.
I sent an email to KPMG/Alpari asking about the FSCS claims procedure but have not heard back.

I have received confirmation from them that my claim has been assigned to FSCS - do I have to do anything now ? I have heard nothing from FSCS eiher since assigning the claim about 10 days ago.

You have to visit your claims portal again, and give your preference for receiving the payment either directly from FSCS to your bank or to your account with ETX. After that only, based on your option, ether FSCS or ETX may contact you.

I have not yet given my option receiving the amount. I am going through the ETX website and the platform. I think I need my ETX account ID. I have time upto end of the month.
class action against Alpari and KPMG special administration

Does anyone know of law firms that are making class action against Alpari uk
about irregularities in the trade of EUR CHF 15 January 2015,
or concerning the opposition to request for payment of the negative balance of EUR CHF?

Alpari UK and KPMG are requiring from me many thousands of pounds ......I'm desperate!

Please help me!!
thanks to everybody helps me!
No sign of my balance due from Alpari. It looks like ETX customers got priority.
No sign of my balance due from Alpari. It looks like ETX customers got priority.

didn't you recive this?:

Alpari administrator KPMG hand over negative balances to international debt collection agent

Nice way to end the week by getting an email demanding several grand ;-)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Alpari (UK) Limited (in special administration) ("the Company")

Client Identifier: XX

We refer to previous updates issued by the Joint Special Administrators ('JSA's') on their website.

We can confirm that the JSA's have now concluded their work to validate the final account balances of clients that had open positions closed on 15thand 16thJanuary. In this regard please see the JSA's website ( and specifically the document entitled "15.04.15 - Valuation of Swiss currency trade pairs" which details the work undertaken to ensure that clients received pricing that was appropriate under both the Client Agreement and the Company's regulatory obligations.

The balance due from you has been confirmed as £xxxxx

Given the geographic spread of the ledger to be collected we have appointed an international collection agent (CCI Legal Limited), who have affiliates and offices in many of the countries involved and they will be in contact with you shortly to help you make arrangements to settle the debt due and deal with any questions you may have.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact CCI Legal on+44 (0) 1766 771166 or email:[email protected]

Kind regards


Joint Special Administrato
Does anyone know of law firms that are making class action against Alpari uk
about irregularities in the trade of EUR CHF 15 January 2015,

Is that not IG group who are being investigated about irregular trades?
Sorry to hear of your problems. I only had a small balance with Alpari and no open trades.
Sounds like you may need a lawyer.

Good luck
Alpari negative balance

Hi I need urgent help
alpari UK via kpmg are demanding huge Sums of money to pay back due to negative balance
Is any one else affected.
wat advice can you give aren't alpari responsible as loses can not exceed amount you deposited.
Thankfully I was up at the time.

Bigger issue is that I run an EA on a number of pairs which takes a couple of weeks to dial in and so I'll be starting from scratch again. And might end up absorbing a few losses for a couple of weeks before seeing profit again... Which is annoying :/

Maybe something to do with yesterday's news...?