All you need is... The Further Tales

i SIMPLY TRADE THAT WAY, TAKING THE DRAWDOWN IF I KNOW THERE IS MORE UPSIDE, except that i also take the SHORT side of the trade, and then average down the LONG on the bottom of the dip (well, thats the plan anyway).

FROM everything i see, there is simply no difference between how you trade and how i trade, except you dont take the counter trade as often as i do.

I have to admit there are similarities, but more important are the differences. To start with, I do use stops (very tight ones too), I have only two or max three lines on my chart and third, I never average down. These are very very important differences because they illustrate that I am willing to admit to the market that I am wrong. A trader who uses no stops of any kind (including mental ones) is basically saying he can outsmart the market. Sooner or later the market will proof him wrong.

I realize i accused you of plagurism, and that might induce you to react in the manner you have chosen, but truth be told thats exactly what you did and so, like the boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar, you should own up to your actions and we can get on with trading !

As you for some reason keep going on about is, I have no other reason than to respond to your posts. Remember, I didn't start posting in your thread (because I never read it), but you started posting in mine.

once again i enclose the chart of the DOW that shows what has happened today --- everything both of us said has come true and is still happening, its just that i took this further than today, and into the week, giving where i thought the price should DROP to, but i clearly stated (and the post is there to read)that will happen from TUESDAY on

Not exactly, you said there was a reversal signal later in the day and took a short. I said there was none and I said I would hold on till 12870. The market did as I anticipated, while I was out at the local pub. But you shorted, so we didn't exactly do the same now, did we?

Anyhow, tomorrow is Tuesday. I can hardly wait.
Can we change this thread title from 'All you need is.....a chart' to something more befitting.

Any suggestions welcome but I would like to see it named more appropriately.

Some suggestions are:

I would like to let off some steam
I will rant and rave till the cows come home
I am a keyboard warrior and here to let you know
I am a derailer and will derail your train if I see it
I'm having a bad day so you will too
I'm bored and want to fight
I cant be bothered to study the market and want to disrupt others

Or perhaps

" The lady doth protest too much, methinks. "

I have to admit there are similarities, but more important are the differences. To start with, I do use stops (very tight ones too), I have only two or max three lines on my chart and third, I never average down. These are very very important differences because they illustrate that I am willing to admit to the market that I am wrong. A trader who uses no stops of any kind (including mental ones) is basically saying he can outsmart the market. Sooner or later the market will proof him wrong.

firewalker, while what I DO tests my equity, i DO NOT ADVISE NEWBS to even consider the practice and have repeatedly stated such --- how many lines i have on my charts has NO consideration in our discussions, as one can drive a car with NO instruments at all, smelling the air for overheating and judging by the wind in the hair the speed of their progress ! ---- i personally like full instrumentation in the car !

if i should desire to tempt the gods by using no stops, what is that to you if i do not demand that everyone else do the same ?

As you for some reason keep going on about is, I have no other reason than to respond to your posts. Remember, I didn't start posting in your thread (because I never read it), but you started posting in mine.

YOU REMEMBER WELL WHY I POST HERE FIREGUY -- YOU PLAGURIZED MY WORK ! and allow me to point out that YOU POSTED THIS, and im simply anwering YOU --- you continued the discussion, NOT I !

Not exactly, you said there was a reversal signal later in the day and took a short. I said there was none and I said I would hold on till 12870. The market did as I anticipated, while I was out at the local pub. But you shorted, so we didn't exactly do the same now, did we?

absolutely true, we dont trade the same way, and ive stated that constantly --- normally there is a reversal at NOON EDT here in the states, which then reverses again at the 5 PM EDT ROLLOVER --- first day momentum will usually move that time to 1:30PM edt and the SHORT will not be of great value, which appears to be what happend today, as usual. Now if youve ever read my posts on how trades move, you will see that i usually hold that 2.5 days is the "hold" period, but indexes and forex are a bit different as they may obey the "first day rules", but with news shifting things around, theyre always being jockeyed into positions that are advantageous to the "smart money" as per MY AND YOUR ANALYSIS OF HOW THE PRICE MOVES BEFORE NEWS so one has to always look forward to see what and why is happening now, and its a job that most (including myself) cannot deal with untill the momentum slows !

but be that as it may, because i went short based on the time situation and NO REVERSAL SIGN, and while the move was not SENSATIONAL, there was certainly a move and profit to be made ! Please also understand that i hold a LONG position also, i simply took advantage of the SHORT, as it sat there simply waiting to be taken --- in NO WAY did i state that it was something to be held forever, ESPECIALLY as it was only a 30 pip move to the 23% FIB --- additionally, despite the fact that you dislike it, i averaged down on my long, so now expect a decent repayment AND i also have another short sitting there !

Anyhow, tomorrow is Tuesday. I can hardly wait.

judging from the pennant formation that is formed on the H4 chart there should very well be further upside should it break out at the 12897 point which i most certainly could not predict last nite although i did mention it as a resistance point i believe, but should it happen it will be just fine as i will simply move with it, and since i have a short in play also, i will simply average UP when the reversal comes into play --- it SIMPLY WONT MATTER, except that you can crow that i was a day wrong in my forecasting, but to no matter in reality !

NONE of this is of any importance fireguy, except to you it appears --- i presented a hypothetical course of events in answer to your taunts (which is not a very good reason for doing so), on an instrument that i never trade, and so far have done just fine ---- should what i said happen on tuesday as i originally thought, or wed or even thurs mid afternoon, it still is of no great significance, just not doing it on the day i originally thought.
my manhood will not be challenged and i should even be able to manage a smile, even though i will have been dishonored and broken before my peers --- i shall survive, especially as i havent placed trades with my broker, to be honored at the exact turn of the clock -- if it goes up, it goes up and if it goes down, it goes down --- ill catch some part of each move i can bet ! (you take all this much too seriously fireguy !)

now, answering you all day has cost me probably close to 1000 of your pounds, and while i made approximately 900 of your pounds overnite, i missed some of the upside run today because of your constant posting (my fault, cause i certainly could have chosen NOT to answer, but thats not me, is it ?)

so let me recoup what i didnt make and get back on track again with EURUSD so that my children shall have shoes and clothing, toys and food and the ability to hold their heads up while having to hitchhike because i couldnt earn enough today to buy a car !

but with the news coming tomorrow, the movements of the DOW presently are understandable, although theyre hiding whats happening until the overnite (which is YOUR open) --- based on whats happening, i would imagine there to be a run up to position for a short, but without any movement now, it will be YOUR call as youll be awake to see it (and charts are showing a distinct possibility of hitting a dbl top in the 13073 to 13132 area which means my forecast will have to live to at least mid week --- we shall see !)
but my real love is the 12924 - 12937 area, but dont tell anyone

after that, when the blush is off the rose, i would anticipate a drop to 12738 area if it breaks the 12764 area, and thats as far as i wish to take this !

enjoy and trade well fireguy

im getting real tired of all this

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got an evil warning from my security stuff from that site magic, so went to wiko instead

"Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. Unlike cases of forgery, in which the authenticity of the writing, document, or some other kind of object itself is in question, plagiarism is concerned with the issue of false attribution.

Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another.

Plagiarism is different from copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they emphasize different aspects of the transgression. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of the copyright holder, when material is used without the copyright holder's consent. On the other hand, plagiarism is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author's reputation that is achieved through false claims of authorship"

says exactly what i feel has happened, and the ONLY reason i have a problem with fireguy !

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Yes, that is most definitely what plagiarism is. However, you've been accusing Firewalker of plagurism for quite a while now and I'm as yet unable to determine exactly what plagurism is. At first I figured you meant plagiarism, but after the 1000th time you specifically and consistently said plagurism I thought it might be time for all of us to learn what plagurism really is. So, what is plagurism?

Yes, that is most definitely what plagiarism is. However, you've been accusing Firewalker of plagurism for quite a while now and I'm as yet unable to determine exactly what plagurism is. At first I figured you meant plagiarism, but after the 1000th time you specifically and consistently said plagurism I thought it might be time for all of us to learn what plagurism really is. So, what is plagurism?


PLAGURISM is an obvious dumb yanks inability to get A SPECIFIC work in the english language spelled correctly !

So, are we to understand that you're accusing Firewalker of being an obviously dumb yank incapable of getting a specific word in the English language correctly? I'm prety sure (most of) that is not true.

So, are we to understand that you're accusing Firewalker of being an obviously dumb yank incapable of getting a specific word in the English language correctly? I'm prety sure (most of) that is not true.



obviously the post is intended to demonstrate my incapabilities with the english language and the fact that there is no spell check on this board !

"Plagiarism is the practice of claiming or implying original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. Unlike cases of forgery, in which the authenticity of the writing, document, or some other kind of object itself is in question, plagiarism is concerned with the issue of false attribution.

Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier, simply by copying and pasting text from one web page to another.

Plagiarism is different from copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they emphasize different aspects of the transgression. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of the copyright holder, when material is used without the copyright holder's consent. On the other hand, plagiarism is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author's reputation that is achieved through false claims of authorship"


Good copy & paste. Now if you go back to my thread, you'll see several references to the original authors. When text is quoted, I put it between quotes (""), in italic, and I mentioned the author's name. Therefore, there is no possibility of plagiarism.

You, on the other hand, aren't one of my sources. Sorry to disappoint your ego. Like I said before, the thread I started is the sum of my own experiences and my studies from others who traveled a similar path before me and wrote it down on paper. It should be clear by now that you weren't one of my sources, since

(a) I DO use stops, unlike you
(b) I do NOT claim that you can predict the initial reaction of the news - which is the opposite of what you're saying
(c) I NEVER average down - unlike you
(d) I posted charts from two years ago about trading the news, long before you came here
(e) there are currently 116 threads where the word "news" comes in the title
(f) discounting the news is a principle as old as the street

Now, let's cut the crap and why don't we focus on your so called predictions which said we were going to see 12690 today?
You, on the other hand, aren't one of my sources. Sorry to disappoint your ego. Like I said before, the thread I started is the sum of my own experiences and my studies from others who traveled a similar path before me and wrote it down on paper. It should be clear by now that you weren't one of my sources, since

(a) I DO use stops, unlike you
(b) I do NOT claim that you can predict the initial reaction of the news - which is the opposite of what you're saying
(c) I NEVER average down - unlike you
(d) I posted charts from two years ago about trading the news, long before you came here
(e) there are currently 116 threads where the word "news" comes in the title
(f) discounting the news is a principle as old as the street

now fireguy, what on earth does the above have to do with plaguirism ?

but i shall say that your thread stated rather clearly that you COULD predict reaction to news, which was the very reason for my chiming in as it was a pet topic of mine for a large dollup of time on this site.

as far as falling, news could very possibly alter that, but the scenerio, as i stated, still holds for the overall movement of the DOW ---

my trades are set and its nap time for a happy trader --- see you in a few

Now, let's cut the crap and why don't we focus on your so called predictions which said we were going to see 12690 today?

we shall see what we see, but should be profitable no matter what it does

bye now
(a) I DO use stops, unlike you
(b) I do NOT claim that you can predict the initial reaction of the news - which is the opposite of what you're saying
(c) I NEVER average down - unlike you
(d) I posted charts from two years ago about trading the news, long before you came here
(e) there are currently 116 threads where the word "news" comes in the title
(f) discounting the news is a principle as old as the street

Hey! I use STOPS...Plagiarism!!😡
now, answering you all day has cost me probably close to 1000 of your pounds, and while i made approximately 900 of your pounds overnite, i missed some of the upside run today because of your constant posting (my fault, cause i certainly could have chosen NOT to answer, but thats not me, is it ?)

so let me recoup what i didnt make and get back on track again with EURUSD so that my children shall have shoes and clothing, toys and food and the ability to hold their heads up while having to hitchhike because i couldnt earn enough today to buy a car !


My apologies but I've got to comment on this. You've lost close to 1,000 of our pounds by writing argumentative posts that will (in a weeks time) be forgotten about and not to mention absolutely pointless in the meantime. (except entertaining to those that look on)

It's one thing to argue, it's another to argue and lose money at the same time and achieve nothing.

Would it not be worth paying someone money to do pointless/argumentative posts on your behalf? Just a question.

It brings me to a saying:

A winner knows what to fight for and what to compromise on.
A loser compromises on what he should not and fights for what isn't worth fighting for.
Every day is a battle in the markets and it's very important that we are fighting for the right things and not wasting our time with trivial matters.

Now heres my prediction on the dow: We 'should' see it go to 14200 if 14000 breaks (no time limit) 'but' if we see a break of 12800 we 'could' easily see it go down to 12700 (no time limit) 'but' this is still to be decided as we 'could' 'possibly' see some sideways movement before this breaks.

As with anything market related....Time is everything...Make sure you spend your time wisely and not wasted on pointless arguments that cost you money.


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    laugh graph.JPG
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MP -- please not to worry Lee -- even money is fun !

My apologies but I've got to comment on this. You've lost close to 1,000 of our pounds by writing argumentative posts that will (in a weeks time) be forgotten about and not to mention absolutely pointless in the meantime. (except entertaining to those that look on)

It's one thing to argue, it's another to argue and lose money at the same time and achieve nothing.

Would it not be worth paying someone money to do pointless/argumentative posts on your behalf? Just a question.

It brings me to a saying:

A winner knows what to fight for and what to compromise on.
A loser compromises on what he should not and fights for what isn't worth fighting for.
Every day is a battle in the markets and it's very important that we are fighting for the right things and not wasting our time with trivial matters.

Now heres my prediction on the dow: We 'should' see it go to 14200 if 14000 breaks (no time limit) 'but' if we see a break of 12800 we 'could' easily see it go down to 12700 (no time limit) 'but' this is still to be decided as we 'could' 'possibly' see some sideways movement before this breaks.

As with anything market related....Time is everything...Make sure you spend your time wisely and not wasted on pointless arguments that cost you money.

many many many months ago i pointed out something in what i do that should have stuck with all of you

my high school yearbook (because i was a loner and belonged nowhere) had a simple inscription -- "life is just a bowl of cherries"

i never knew what that meant or was going to mean until a lifetime later, when i could turn back and, as is the wont of older men (and cats and dogs and women and cookoo clocks)review my life, its accomplishments and that which had become attached to it.

what i discovered was JOY -- 3 completely different careers with one being something most men would gladly do for free (my avitar will give you an idea), 2 loving children, 2 ex wives, each younger than the other which means the next will probably be barely legal and when i retired young, full time trading that seemed to work out nicely.

NOW -- thats a tiny background because the reality would fill a book of adventures from Alaska to Zanzibar and some could not even be spoken of ----- but while going through the world, leading or being led, i discovered one outstandingly comforting side of me.



enjoy my friends and enemies -----

its a wonderful life, so just grab some cherries

oh yeah, i wont miss the money at all --- not anymore !


many many many months ago i pointed out something in what i do that should have stuck with all of you

my high school yearbook (because i was a loner and belonged nowhere) had a simple inscription -- "life is just a bowl of cherries"

i never knew what that meant or was going to mean until a lifetime later, when i could turn back and, as is the wont of older men (and cats and dogs and women and cookoo clocks)review my life, its accomplishments and that which had become attached to it.

what i discovered was JOY -- 3 completely different careers with one being something most men would gladly do for free (my avitar will give you an idea), 2 loving children, 2 ex wives, each younger than the other which means the next will probably be barely legal and when i retired young, full time trading that seemed to work out nicely.

NOW -- thats a tiny background because the reality would fill a book of adventures from Alaska to Zanzibar and some could not even be spoken of ----- but while going through the world, leading or being led, i discovered one outstandingly comforting side of me.



enjoy my friends and enemies -----

its a wonderful life, so just grab some cherries

oh yeah, i wont miss the money at all --- not anymore !


I empathise with that. You need a broad outlook on life and you don't get that by going nowhere or doing nothing (which as far as I can see, is what those who don't make mistakes usually have done). It's all about what you make of it - the opportunities are there and always will be (just as in trading).

Trading is my 5th career and being no longer in my spotty-faced youth I'm just beginning to feel I've got a handle on life. 😆 If I'd been real-clever I could have got to this stage years ago.
Trading is my 5th career and being no longer in my spotty-faced youth I'm just beginning to feel I've got a handle on life. 😆 If I'd been real-clever I could have got to this stage years ago.

ah, youre like me


