All you need is... The Further Tales

Can we change this thread title from 'All you need is.....a chart' to something more befitting.

Any suggestions welcome but I would like to see it named more appropriately.

Some suggestions are:

I would like to let off some steam
I will rant and rave till the cows come home
I am a keyboard warrior and here to let you know
I am a derailer and will derail your train if I see it
I'm having a bad day so you will too
I'm bored and want to fight
I cant be bothered to study the market and want to disrupt others

...FW.....i have not spoken to jacinto for 2 months....i told him to follow himself as i do everyone....not follow me... which he did and promptly left for the hills before id finished the sentence....haha....its insulting to make out he doesnt have his own voice and opinion?...the irony is amazing...jacinto...lurker etc ....head for the mountains....if we bump into each other ...lets reinact the sound of the music hey....baggsie im julie andrews.

Exactly! Outsiders agree and they are accused of being incapable of forming their own opinion, the cliquey mob appears and that's a different story! 🙄
One final note...

People will believe what they want, and aside from the select few who are able and willing to take responsibility for their own development, those further ahead in any field intimidate rather than inspire. I shall not be engaging in further dialogue about this matter...or becoming involved in arguments here.

It's really funny to see this coming from you. If I've ever seen one aspiring trader NOT taking "responsibility for their own development", it was you. Numerous traders gave you very concrete suggestions and things to do and steps to take.

I'm glad you make progress, but don't blame Trade2Win for your lack of progress in the past. In fact, I'd suggest you go back to your own words and "take responsibility for [your] own development". Mr. Marcus might well have been able to give you more insight, and he might learn us all some deeper understanding. But the reason you failed was in yourself, not in someone else.
Can we change this thread title from 'All you need is.....a chart' to something more befitting.

Any suggestions welcome but I would like to see it named more appropriately.

Some suggestions are:

I would like to let off some steam
I will rant and rave till the cows come home
I am a keyboard warrior and here to let you know
I am a derailer and will derail your train if I see it
I'm having a bad day so you will too
I'm bored and want to fight
I cant be bothered to study the market and want to disrupt others

How about.......

I did it all for the rep points / post count / thread views...... 😆😆:clap:

(like you'd learn much from a BB anyhow!)

Congrats BTW Jacinto!
...FW.....i have not spoken to jacinto for 2 months....
And how many months ago did he leave trade2win?

And how long has it been since you've spoken to lurker?

i told him to follow himself as i do everyone....not follow me... which he did and promptly left for the hills before id finished the sentence....haha....its insulting to make out he doesnt have his own voice and opinion?...the irony is amazing...jacinto...lurker etc ....head for the mountains....if we bump into each other ...lets reinact the sound of the music hey....baggsie im julie andrews.

I never said he didn't have his own voice and opinion. If any insult was taken, then I regret it because none was meant. It was nothing more than an observation. But let's not kid ourselves, I know for one thing lurker never said a word about "weak and strong hands" until you pointed him in that direction.

Why all the secrecy? Why did lurker remove his posts where he stated "I have been working with Mr Marcus"?

Nothing wrong with that, we all have our followers. At least new_trader is open about it, you gotta give him that.
All I said (2 pages ago!) was price told more than indicators! 😱

Anyhow, as fun as this is, got to go and get my spot!

Have fun..........!


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How about.......

I did it all for the rep points / post count / thread views...... 😆😆:clap:

Wasp, let's not generalize your personal ambitions to the whole Trade2Win community 😆

As for thread views... the next time I'll start a thread I'll think twice. I lost count on how many times people tried to go off-topic rather than debate the core issues.

What Mr. Marcus said is true, in part, not a whole number of people on forums wish to discuss things seriously.
....fw....i cant see where tom blames t2w for his progress?....if he did then hes very foolish to do so...its the lack of previous responsibility taking which meant he chased his tail for a year....i hope he is breaking that cycle...
Can we change this thread title from 'All you need is.....a chart' to something more befitting.

Any suggestions welcome but I would like to see it named more appropriately.

Some suggestions are:

I would like to let off some steam
I will rant and rave till the cows come home
I am a keyboard warrior and here to let you know
I am a derailer and will derail your train if I see it
I'm having a bad day so you will too
I'm bored and want to fight
I cant be bothered to study the market and want to disrupt others

All you need
im taking the lappy down the pub at lunchtime,this is better than watching the chavs.
Last edited: far on this thread i have not said anything insulting to come out with insults...

"Edit: Also are you going to delete this post as well? It seems that when you left the sandpit last time you destroyed all your toys to make sure no one else could play with them. That was probably a service to the english language though."

"Strangely, a few minutes later his lickspittle crawled out from under a rock"

"Look what's crawled out from under a rock."

....i before i would rise to it and through back the some insults eventually...but im not goin youll probably slag me off for showing some control.its seems t2w has gatekeepers...its ok because i have no intention of re entering...i was just defending myself.laters.

ps...i have learnt another lesson...i still nibble at the bait too much....what a mug i am 🙂...time for some self flagellation...i wonder is thats possible with the restricted movement underneath my rock...specially with all the other followers under there too 🙂
im taking the lappy down the pub at lunchtime,this is better than watching the chavs.

It's the same story all over again. People rather fight than discuss content.
Of all the hundreds of charts I posted with detailed analysis, how many have gotten reactions? two, three? five at best.

On the other hand, start something personal, and you'll get 15 invisible spectators and 50 posts in one morning. Fantastic!

Anyway, I'm off to follow wasp! 🙂

Carry on!
Hi Mark

We haven’t spoken since February -I’m another one spending a little time in the mountains ( a vast step up from canoeing though) !

I suspect that those people who are showing you disrespect may be more concerned with their T2W reputation than in genuinely being honest with themselves and bettering themselves. Their loss really, but calling into question your reputation is low behaviour.

Cheers mate.

....i before would rise to it and through back the some insults eventually...but im not goin youll probably slag me off for showing some control.its seems t2w has gatekeepers...its ok because i have no intention of re entering...i was just defending myself.laters.

ps...i have learnt another lesson...i still nibble at the bait too much....what a mug i am 🙂

No. On the contrary. All credit to you for not rising to the bait and throwing insults.

My apologies for getting into it myself. Not helpful at all.

Good luck and good trading to you and everyone else on the thread MM.
Hi Mark

We haven’t spoken since February -I’m another one spending a little time in the mountains ( a vast step up from canoeing though) !

I suspect that those people who are showing you disrespect may be more concerned with their T2W reputation than in genuinely being honest with themselves and bettering themselves. Their loss really, but calling into question your reputation is low behaviour.

Cheers mate.


....alright mate....long time....met osama on your journeys...good reward on that one....risk is a bit fooked though....fancy a skype?...(.no t2w talk though.)..😀
The one thing that strikes me, is that the exact minute the wizard posts, his followers come out of the bushes... despite bulletin boards being "a waste of time and effort".

Ironic, to say the least.

I guess it's called conditioned indeed. No offense to anyone in particular, but - speaking as an advisor - all those out there to criticize bulletin boards sure spent a lot of time there in the past.

It's not the forum or the site that's the problem, it's the trader. The answer is in the chart, not in someone else's post.

Unfortunately, people sitting on mountain tops live in thin air. They should come down to the valley some more.

think very, very hard what you are saying here, because we are NOT arguing over conspiracy theories where there is unfalsifiable issues with the evidence and people's perceptions and points of view, because it's the latter factor that keeps them alive and being debated forever more.
ok, can I bring the personal battle to a halt please. I will delete anything further personal and not about the topic of the thread. However, I allow myself the luxury of the last word

mp6140 - I don't think you can claim ownership of any of the concepts - s/r, trend lines, channels, reversal time zones, all news in price, etc, etc - that you have brought up. As Wasp says, it's all in the archives. You may or may not have a novel (indeed, original) way of bringing those concepts together to trade, but that's a different matter.

firewalker - I think you've got a pretty broad canvass as your headlined topic and I think it's reasonable that people can take it in different directions, so long as there is a relevance to the topic.



you once again miss the point of what i said after fireguys FIRST post --- the concept of "reading" where price would be moving after a news release, by observing prior days price action and the action leading up to the moment of news release is neither new or origninal with either fire or me, but that i brought forth this idea on this site long before fireguy thought of it.

I fought and was ridiculed for such an observation to the point i thought i might be asked to drink my cup of hemlock.

THEN, along comes fireguy, using my EXACT words,

AND THATS ALL I CARE ABOUT --- not a system, not a method --- simply that fireguy had already seen my prior posts on the subject and PLAGURIZED my work !

my work is out there, available to be seen, and done much earlier than fireguys copy -- unfortunately, because of esteemed "politics", the plagurizer becomes the winner !

NO method, NO NOTHING, except the respect of leaving one persons work alone !

my work is out there, available to be seen, and done much earlier than fireguys copy -- unfortunately, because of esteemed "politics", the plagurizer becomes the winner !

NO method, NO NOTHING, except the respect of leaving one persons work alone !


If anyone wants to see some of mp's "work", I suggest they check out the DOW thread right now. Our friend predicted the market would go down to 12690.

He deleted one of his posts later on, because he doesn't like the market proving him wrong (*).

After all, if you claim to make 302 winning trades in a row, this kind of action would make the claims sound rather ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

(*) Note: the post got deleted by a moderator apparently, so I retract the above statement. But the latest arc of posts is still interesting, because it illustrates the reason why mp6140 claims never have a losing trade. It's because he waits to close out in profit while seeing the trade go against him for an undetermined amount of points 🙄
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ok, can I bring the personal battle to a halt please. I will delete anything further personal and not about the topic of the thread. However, I allow myself the luxury of the last word

mp6140 - I don't think you can claim ownership of any of the concepts - s/r, trend lines, channels, reversal time zones, all news in price, etc, etc - that you have brought up. As Wasp says, it's all in the archives. You may or may not have a novel (indeed, original) way of bringing those concepts together to trade, but that's a different matter.

Barjon, in NO way do i claim ownership to what has been known for years -- only that i brought certain ideas to this site, which were disputed for a very long period of time, and that my WORDS are the very words that started a new thread by fireguy, only a day after i had said them in a rather large post on the subject ---- nothing new about what i said, but it was sure new to this group, and then he starts off on the subject, and uses a book to quote from --- at least mine is from my own experiences and part of what i attempt to teach as the REALITIES of the forex market, as opposed to the THEORY !

BECAUSE he came up with the thread, using the concepts that i have been teaching here, is the reason i accuse him of plagurism, not some misquided idea that i "own" these concepts --- its an issue of morality barjon, nothing else !

firewalker - I think you've got a pretty broad canvass as your headlined topic in the associated thread and I think it's reasonable that people can take it in different directions, so long as there is a relevance to the topic.




MP -- golly do you go on !

If anyone wants to see some of mp's "work", I suggest they check out the DOW thread right now. Our friend predicted the market would go down to 12690.

absolutely correct fireguy --- BUT i stated it would not begin that trip before tomorrow, TUESDAY -- i stated it would go UP today when i posted it yesterday, and it has gone up and is playing at the resistance area i first called --- should the momentum push it higher today (after all, i could not tell how much momentum would be happening when i posted yesterday) i have given the important resistance points, and even agreed at a high you have suggested --- with all the information we both agree on, WHY do you continue to harass me ?

He deleted one of his posts later on, because he doesn't like the market proving him wrong (*).

thank you for the honestly of realizing it was moderators removal and not mine ! the truth will always be appreciated !

After all, if you claim to make 302 winning trades in a row, this kind of action would make the claims sound rather ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?

while you continue harping on that subject, i shall post it when i feel the appropriate moment arrives --- that moment will be when youve said SO MUCH about me, that the proof will simply shut you up !

(*) Note: the post got deleted by a moderator apparently, so I retract the above statement. But the latest arc of posts is still interesting, because it illustrates the reason why mp6140 claims never have a losing trade. It's because he waits to close out in profit while seeing the trade go against him for an undetermined amount of points 🙄

i have stated, repeatedly that this process (no sl) is NOT for newbs or those who cannot tell market direction and trend --- even now you tell everyone to hold the DOW index to its high point, which means you endorse the drawdown that is happening at this moment --- i SIMPLY TRADE THAT WAY, TAKING THE DRAWDOWN IF I KNOW THERE IS MORE UPSIDE, except that i also take the SHORT side of the trade, and then average down the LONG on the bottom of the dip (well, thats the plan anyway).

FROM everything i see, there is simply no difference between how you trade and how i trade, except you dont take the counter trade as often as i do.

GIVEN THIS, WHY DO YOU ATTEMPT TO alter my words in an effort to prove how wrong i am, when EVERYTHING ive said about the DOW is happening in real time ?

I realize i accused you of plagurism, and that might induce you to react in the manner you have chosen, but truth be told thats exactly what you did and so, like the boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar, you should own up to your actions and we can get on with trading !

once again i enclose the chart of the DOW that shows what has happened today --- everything both of us said has come true and is still happening, its just that i took this further than today, and into the week, giving where i thought the price should DROP to, but i clearly stated (and the post is there to read)that will happen from TUESDAY on ![/QUOTE]

enjoy and trade well


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