All Hell is about to break loose

Since the pandemic happened, the market has become more unpredictable. Even the most obvious moves don’t seem to take place. It has become more of a hit and trial for me these days.
Maybe, you found out the markets being unpredictable however i have seen many new traders coming into forex trading as a good earning opportunity during their stay home duration.
I thinlk the markets are strange these days, sometimes they go up and sometimes they go down.
I get confused when they go up and then down. Or down and then up. Or down again after that. The worst for me is when they go down , along a bit, up, up again, down down and down again, and then up just when you thought down. Or should that be up? There should be a law against it.
I was also thinking of shorting Yen. After going through all the suggestions on this forum, I am ready for it.
There should be a law against trading. No one twisted your arm to trade. This is the last vestige of freedom.
No one should infringe on your God or your right to pursue happiness... Or your free speech.