All Hell is about to break loose

My comment for tonight is to read about B waves and second waves in Elliottwave theory and see where we are...
If you believe Elliottwave patterns then the GBP/JPY is going down even though Noone else believes it...
I am in profit but I won't close it because I know it has a long way to go down. Right now it has a small capacity for upside and a huge capacity for downside.
It's looking good right now,,, so we will see if I was right about Elliottwave theory and b waves and second waves. If the GBP/JPY GOES ABOVE 1.65 then I am wrong about a 2nd wave but still could be right about a B wave...
If anyone ever tells you that they never get stopped out then they are bankrupt...LOL
I am keeping it real and telling the truth about my trading. Although, I have taken several short GBP/JPY positions tonight. I don't expect anyone to follow after my bad results for the last several weeks but if this is the reversal I expected several weeks ago the there is plenty of time to make a lot of money. Check up on this for the next several weeks or months.
Is anyone else still laughing about what is going on around the world? I still stand by what I said a year ago. The US dollar is crap and the euro is crap so it is a race to the bottom. I think everyone should plant a garden this year because the globalists are going to starve us out.
I have been buying physical silver for several years. The historical price of silver to gold is about 10 to 1 and it well below that. And also paper silver is between 100 and 250 times what physical silver is. HOLD ON TIGHT FOR WHAT IS COMING... Laugh at me all you want to now but check back in with me in 3 years.
BTW, I am short USDMXN right now.......I wish I could find a gold backed currency to short the dollar against...
It is still coming unfortunately for the sheep. I am homesteading on my property and don't need anything from anyone, but the cities will be Hell. All I can say is get ready...