Algorithmic Trading Strategies Online


Hello everyone

This might be a commonly asked question. I am a 4th year Math/CS student and I have a basic understanding of the financial market and have taken several courses in financial math and economics. I am highly interested in Algorithmic Trading and I planning to do a research paper/ project on this topic. I hope that I can use this project as a leverage for me to get an internship position/ junior programmer position as an algorithmic trader.

So my question is this, where can I find good Algorithmic trading strategies online? Where are the good sources such as blogs and articles. I am currently reading two texts on Algo trading but neither of them give me a good source of strategies to test. It is ok if the strategies is not profitable because I just want to gain experience in backtesting and executing a paper trading system. I am really interested in using Algo in the Forex market, but I can code it in the equity market if they are the only one I can find.

Also if you are a trader who has algo trading ideas but want someone to code and back-test these ideas, I can also collaborate with you and we can both benefit

Thank you fellow traders, I hope to be hearing from you guys soon
You're not going to find any decent strategies posted in the public domain for obvious reasons. Two good books on the subject are Inside the Black Box by Narang and Algorithmic Trading and DMA by Johnson. You'll have to be careful with the Narang book and be choosy about what you take in, the stuff on strategies is mostly rubbish but it provides some good insight on how to build infrastructure (50% of the battle). The Algorithmic Trading book gives you a solid understanding of the basics of algothmic execution and HFTy stuff.

Which languages are you familiar with? PM me about you wanting to code.
Hello everyone

This might be a commonly asked question. I am a 4th year Math/CS student and I have a basic understanding of the financial market and have taken several courses in financial math and economics. I am highly interested in Algorithmic Trading and I planning to do a research paper/ project on this topic. I hope that I can use this project as a leverage for me to get an internship position/ junior programmer position as an algorithmic trader.

So my question is this, where can I find good Algorithmic trading strategies online? Where are the good sources such as blogs and articles. I am currently reading two texts on Algo trading but neither of them give me a good source of strategies to test. It is ok if the strategies is not profitable because I just want to gain experience in backtesting and executing a paper trading system. I am really interested in using Algo in the Forex market, but I can code it in the equity market if they are the only one I can find.

Also if you are a trader who has algo trading ideas but want someone to code and back-test these ideas, I can also collaborate with you and we can both benefit

Thank you fellow traders, I hope to be hearing from you guys soon

I would advise using a algo trading/backtesting framework rather than trying to implement one yourself as this is a major undertaking in itself. I can recommend tradery website which offers virtual account for that.