Algo Trading - CL - NYMEX

Hey guys

I have tried the ES, YM, NQ, NG, GZ, etc. down the line and I am finding CL is probably the MOST technically traded derivative in existence. Do you think I am correct with this assumption?

I am only able to see the past 10 months or so of the CL chart – does anyone know where to get further backtesting?

For one of my programs I had a COMBINED MAXIMUM ADVERSE POSITION of about $3000 (over those 10 months) and ended up making over $16,000 in one of my programs. I have multiple programs that all yield phenomenal as well.

I know from experience backtesting something like the ES for 3+ years with a lot of my programs there are large variances on how the contract will trade year-to-year and even contract-to-contract. Does anyone here have long term experience with CL?

Also I am worried about what I hear about Saudi's not using CL as their benchmark anymore? Is there any validity to this and will this cause a change in trading patterns/behavior?

I am 100% convinced after countless hours and hours of backtesting all sorts of instruments, the only way to be retail and trade is to use your own prop. algo with tight stops and letting your winners run.. I know easier said than done.. I do not see it that way in CL, I see it as :

1. Quick Stops

2. Perhaps even quicker Sell Limits.

With my benchmark trading program for the CL I mentioned above I think my average hold time was 2-5 hours (trading 1 hour candles) with an average gain of $1,600 trading only 1 contract at a time. I have others that take on more contracts if certain specifications are met.

I would like other's opinions on this matter if you could shed some light, I would appreciate it..

HZ -


Also, wondering about how the certain way the "Z" Contract trades (CLZ9) as opposed to (CLm9)

Im not sure on all the facts, but I believe the "Z" Contracts run further than 1 year in length?.. I am guessing in that regard there are different patterns - I am looking at the "Z" contracts all the way back to the beg. of this year

[email protected]
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Download the demo MT4 from and you will get CL data back to 2003.

The Z contract is merely the December contract and the same as any other - the current contract changes every month and the 9 is the year. You will get back data but it's usually previous contracts.
I trade the CL.

It's just MetaTrader data so I doubt whether it's compatible with anything else.