Alan Rich

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Value in this case is an intangible abstract. It has different connotations for different idividuals.


I have always sought to achieve higher standards than most and consequently have higher expectations than most.

What I am saying is that the tutor cannot look inside your head, because he isn't you.

True again.

I actually stopped trading temporarily about 2 weeks ago in order to spend time "looking inside my head". I have re-read books and articles on trading psychology and taken long walks with the dog which are invaluable for self analysis. Talking to your dog is helpful because, since he / she never provides any answers or guidelines, you are necessarily forced to provide them yourself. It is amazing what the fresh country air does for you in this regard.

Nevertheless I still think "said tutor" came up short in providing even the bare bones upon which to put some meat.
"Nevertheless I still think "said tutor" came up short in providing even the bare bones upon which to put some meat."..... Salty, how do you know that you did not actually recognise the meat because you were too busy looking at the mechanics ... unfortunately , I can't add to that for you because to do so would be to give away for free the most important lesson Alan has to teach...
Hi Chump

I think the most important lesson he taught me was that he cannot teach.

I do have the intelligence to make a judgement on this despite your doubts and I am well qualified to spot a rather poor teacher ( albeit a great practician / practitioner ? ) when I see one.

You see it all the time - world leaders in their field - absolute genius - but get one to teach you what he does and he will very often fall short.

I'm getting tired of this topic now. I took my chance, spent my money - big deal ! It doesn't really matter a great deal any more. I am discovering my own way through this maze.
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So Salty, did you or didnt you tell the man directly to his face that you were unhappy with the 2 days training?
boy said:
So Salty, did you or didnt you tell the man directly to his face that you were unhappy with the 2 days training?
How's that relevant to whether the training was up to scratch?
Simon said:
How's that relevant to whether the training was up to scratch?

I never said it was relevant, I was curious to know if Salty felt the way he did after spending 2 days with the man what was his parting comments - I mean, he must have said something!
It took me a little longer and a period of reflection to conclude that I did not receive value for money.

I am not criticising him as a person because he is a very decent guy. I just don't think his teaching skills are up to scratch.

This is why we have teacher training colleges scattered all over the country. They teach people how to teach.

Just because a person is an acknowledged master in his field does not mean that he can successfully impart his knowledge to others. Teaching skills need to be learnt just like any other skill unless you are lucky enough to be gifted.

I agree, although his heart is in the right place, I don't think Alan is good value.

And I feel guilty saying this because my instinct tells me his training income is probably much more than his trading income, and no I can't back this up, its just a feeling I get.

Sorry Alan,

my instinct tells me his training income is probably much more than his trading income,

Porks, my instinct tells me you are wrong about this. I certainly hope you are wrong because if you are right, then there is no hope for me and many others.

Whoops, what have I done, I certainly don't want you or anyone else to get discouraged.

What I mean is that with the time I spent with Alan, I got the impression he's a scalper at heart, and probably a highly successful one in his time. I just think that time has past.

Unless this chap Alan Rich or any one charging you £500 per day actually trades in front of you and say bets £100 per point on spread betting (put their money where their mouth is) I would not believe it. And the guys who post on this board who knows they are not getting paid by Alan rich and likes to give positive views.

Let Alan run a £15 seminar and trade in front of audience and make money 7 trade out of 10 then I believe this guys. The reason they give seminars is that they can not make money trading and only sure fire way to make lots of money is to get 50 guys in a seminar for today s at £500 for 2 days course. That is £25000 for two days or simply putting even if he does one such seminar a month then £300,000 per year which even a seasoned traders will find very difficult to make or even loose his money. Guys, these people are around when the market is going up and when the market crashes they all disappear in the whole to hibernate again to come out when the market starts going up. You have heard of Darren Winter advertising on radio saying he has trained thousands of traders. Where does he get time to train thousands?

and now he and aboudy has started with support from ADVFN?
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Raging Cat

You are very funny but unfortunately you talk a load of codswallop; codswallop of course being another term for horsesh*t.
No. I'm just old Salty.

You should read my review of the Alan Rich seminar on this website and then you will know that I am not he.

You see, while I am not enamoured with his teaching skills, I do recognise a trading master when I see one.

And it is quite possible that I went to see him too early in my trading career and did not fully appreciate him - who knows and quite frankly, who the hell cares anyway ?

'Trading Master' ?

I hope he is, but to be honest I wouldn't have the bottle to teach without offering proof of my abilities, why do these guys ?

Sure many people do trade successfully. But most could earn so much more, much easier and risk free from tutoring with fame ('Market Wizard' Status) and fortune aplenty.

If you see a guru on the road offering his services, ask them to prove it.

ragingcat said:
Unless this chap Alan Rich or any one charging you £500 per day actually trades in front of you and say bets £100 per point on spread betting (put their money where their mouth is) I would not believe it. And the guys who post on this board who knows they are not getting paid by Alan rich and likes to give positive views.

Let Alan run a £15 seminar and trade in front of audience and make money 7 trade out of 10 then I believe this guys. The reason they give seminars is that they can not make money trading and only sure fire way to make lots of money is to get 50 guys in a seminar for today s at £500 for 2 days course. That is £25000 for two days or simply putting even if he does one such seminar a month then £300,000 per year which even a seasoned traders will find very difficult to make or even loose his money. Guys, these people are around when the market is going up and when the market crashes they all disappear in the whole to hibernate again to come out when the market starts going up. You have heard of Darren Winter advertising on radio saying he has trained thousands of traders. Where does he get time to train thousands?

and now he and aboudy has started with support from ADVFN?

Whilst I agree with you on this point (You never see top hedge fund manager offering courses or giving advice, they are too busy making money) you also have to consider: even if someone is not a great trader it does not mean that you can't learn from them or take advice from them.

I.E. If you wanted to learn about football who would you want as your teacher: Alex Ferguson, Arsene Wenger or Jose Mourinio none were footballers or could even play football but they have the greatest football minds!
Darren Winters and Alan Rich are from different planets. One inhabits this one, the other lives in the real world. Take your pick which is which.