AFL for fetching Real Time quotes from Yahoo or RT CSV


Junior member
Dear All,
Respected Moderators, seniors and loving members bros & sis,
Hello all
I am from India,
As you all knows that there is no Genuine Streaming Real Time Data feeds available for Indian Markets i.e. NSEindia & BSEindia. At present some people from India provided fetched data from Yahoo or from other third party trading SWs like POWERINDIABULLS. If some knowledgeable members of this forum can design such AFL or DDE to fetch RT data from either YAHOO or from CSV platform, they will serve best novice indian traders who are helpless without such data feed.
Thanks to all in advance. If they succeded or not.
Thanks again
If some knowledgeable members of this forum can design such AFL or DDE to fetch RT data from either YAHOO or from CSV platform, they will serve best novice indian traders who are helpless without such data feed...
If I put up a website relaying prices scraped from Yahoo, for example, I would pretty soon attract the attention of their lawyers. But you could use my program on an individual basis - now, how much would you pay for it?

NB Moderator - Is this touting for trade, or irony? You decide.
Dear roughbert,
I am ready to pay for such application or program.
Which type of program would you like to share?
will it be provide streaming RT data for indian mkts?
Describe the procedure in details please
Dear roughbert,
I am ready to pay for such application or program.
Which type of program would you like to share?
will it be provide streaming RT data for indian mkts?
Describe the procedure in details please

Hi tkamal, all I have is the ability to scrape data from a website and store it. I do not own any feeds. If you PM me with the web page addresses(URLs), the data you want to scrape from them and the format for the data, etc then I will have a look.
