I’m not sure there’s that much mileage in concerning ourselves with if the 0.89% was calculated properly, how it was calculated or whether this may have included expectations on the inflation levels being hit.
There are mind-bogglingly large numbers of financial models of equally mind-boggling complexity that will give you all sorts of wonderful stuff that many people seem to live or die by. And to be fair, if everybody is being measured and controlled by these data and your livelihood is linked to your performance against these same bods using this data, then what else are you going to do? Currently, any Hedge Fund that’s lost less than 15% so far this year is considered to be doing quite well.
So in reality, all these wonderful numbers and models mean absolutely Jack Sh!t. But there development and utilisation are an industry in themselves.
If any of it gave anyone a real handle on the situation then the Twist (V2) would never have been required.
As it is, it’ll likely have as much impact as the previous one – Zero.