Well doesn't get better than that then does it.
Btw, I think the obligation part can be well taken care of already if you pay your uncle back the car with a good interest rate in say installments or sthg.
But obligation clearly also ends there where it totally interferes with your own life objectives, even more so when the money you earn would largely go on paying for daycare if you did what seemd to be on the table originally, working from his place, which would create a financial dead end of a situation you would not have if you were doing what you really want to, stay at home and trade in the first place.
But I still don't get the necessity of the whole thing in the first place.
I mean I do realize that a lot of entrepreneurs probably feel they have to do everything themselves, or, second best, only trust close family members, but learning to let go and delegate and manage through objectives is definitely the only way to really grow a business, so maybe seen like this this is even a good lesson for him to learn, getting somebody from the outside whom he can then train to be an independently thinking, target oriented valuable asset to his business.
So that does sound like win / win now doesn't it.
Oh, and of course you're right, you have nothing to worry about if trading goes into a dry spell, you have your old job qualifications that would tide you over.
Besides, if I remember correctly, I think you said you are also thinking of finishing your maths degree at Uni, something that also needs some time and dedication on top of everything else.
But anyway, you've got it all worked out now so that's all that matters.
I think every job needs a clear, guilt or pressure free head, but maybe trading does so just a little bit more than others, so it's always important to keep that mental balance no matter what happens.