Advice Please


Hi All,

New to Forum!!!

Please can I have some career advice.

I am 24 and have led a successful career in FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) for 5 Years now.

I currently earn in excess of 75k+ GBP

I have no degree, but very strong A Levels however I have started trading and find it fascinating.

Recently I have decided to make Trading Full time and have been sponsored to work for a firm on Apprenticeship which specialises in Futures Trading however I have to work in several aspects of the business first before I can move onto the Trading courses with Graduates. This will be in the region of between 6-9 Months and then I will have to prove myself over the 12 week programme that I will be consistent before the firm agrees to take me on if they do.

I have decided to start studying the CFA curriculum and believe that I will be able to hopefully pass Level 1 by next year (June 2013) as I am studying concurrently with Trading everyday while working at the above firm.

The advice I need is shall I go back and fast track a degree for 2 years in Finance to enable me to get a job in the city or shall I finish of the Final levels of the CFA first and not get the degree.

Or shall I finish Level 1 and fast track the degree so I have a degree and level 1 in CFA.

What Type of Jobs would I be able to apply to and is 27 too old?

Any Help would be great as I am getting older and really need some guidance.