Advice on Level 2 Broker


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I'm about to set up a levet 2 account with Cybertrader after doing 2 months of paper trading on their Sim, anyone on the Forum use them or is it better for me to open an account with IB?

Does IB has an advantage over Cybertrader regarding paperwork?

Thanks Pollux75

Is this the reason why most Traders on this board use IB or DAE?

I'm a Newbie so please forgive me for asking loads of questions.

I haven't really looked into CFD, I don't think I'm experience enough to trade CFD.
you will need 6 months experience trading margin products to open a cfd account.

What markets do you want to trade.
Hi Raffi110

I want to trade Nasdaq stocks, looks like I will be opening an account with DAE - I've tried their demo and it is easy to use but I can only get one chart displayed at any one time.

Does anyone know if it is possible to display multiple charts on DAE?
If you are trading Nasdaq stocks why not download Quotetracker from and take a subscription to US stocks through IQ Feed (via the QT website) it is very inexpensive and you will have all the charts you could need.
