Advice on forex managed accounts

post #18 😆

Where'd you get that snap of our Daddy??!!

Don't slip up on any banana skins out there this week Cowboy!!

You have a good one too.....

ohhh & while I remember: let's have some more of that lazy, laid back Hank Jr (& associates) stuff on your "main" thread - now that's music to make money by.
My daddy is one crazy SOB, ha,ha let me tell you.

Biggest Mary grower this side of the Mississippi.

Acres and acres.

.. but seriously Ampro, what line of work are you in? How long have you been involved in it for.

Maybe we can go into business together.

post #18 😆

Where'd you get that snap of our Daddy??!!

Don't slip up on any banana skins out there this week Cowboy!!

You have a good one too.....

ohhh & while I remember: let's have some more of that lazy, laid back Hank Jr (& associates) stuff on your "main" thread - now that's music to make money by.
Ha, that thread got crazy.

Ampro, this song is for you babe

I'm in the trading business, just like you!! 😉

But I don't think our Poppa & Momma would look to kindly on me jumping ship & going into business with a descendant of Augustus McCrae 🙂

Now that's a whole lot better.....never mind all that dancin, spaced out jiggery pokery.

You got Mr Dylan, Mr Tom Petty & company warbling "Knockin on heavans door" in your library at all?

Now that would definitely get you in the groove for chasing pips up & down the ladder!!
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I got a shotgun, a rifle and a 4 wheel drive......

We came from the West Virginia coal mines, the rocky mountains & the western skies.......................

We're from North California & South Alabam & little towns all around this land............

A country boy can survive - Hank Williams Jr.

That song ought to played as you load up your platforms ready to roll the dice at the open 😉
Well Cowboy, my younger sister Jocelyn located that fine rendition of Mr Zimmerman & Mr Petty whoopin it up alongside the very capable skin beat of Stan “slam” Lynch……now that sure makes the hairs stand on end I’m sure you’ll concur?

She also sniffed out this little ditty of Hank Junior’s ‘Country Boy’ tooon. "Rebs on Tour" 👍

Now, instead of directing all your horrid Cowboy testosterone at me, maybe you (or some other kind soul) can assist me in bedding one of these video tooon links into the signature portion of my posts on here?? I’d quite like to have one of these fine tooons accompany me around this rough house, bar hall for a while.

You got all that Ron Paul stuff tagged onto your posts below there, & I’ve tried hauling Hank Junior’s link up, but whenever I post it the appropriate space under my user cp….edit signature, blah blah….nothing appears. Not even the small amount of text included alongside the link?!

So, what’s the score with all that then?

Anyhow, I think we ought to maybe apologize to Mr dutchy124 for railroading his thread here with our honky tonk talk & musak collection. Although I do declare, it’s a whole lot more entertaining of late than that irksome old currency market.

Jocelyn say’s mind your manners in future when you’re addressing fine, upstanding Southern ladieeeez. Otherwise she’ll have cousin Elija & his best buddy John Standing Bear climb in their truck & come pay you a visit. :cheesy:

She maintains if Mr Standing Bear has a mind, he'll relieve you of your hair quicker than you can blink. Full blood Comanche, don't take kindly to the sisters of their best friend getting all flustered on British public trading sites. Elija’s not one to be confronted either I’ll have you know. 🙁

Myself? I’m not inclined to resort to physical violence when on the back foot, but her being the youngest of 6, I guess it boils down to a survival thing?!

So, you mind your p’s & q’s now you hear? 😆

Tell you what....we best include an "edgy" British tooon in amongst our Southern biased playlist huh?

Doesn't get much edgier than our man Morrissey.....this is a fine little ditty I'm sure you'll agree

ps: forget the bit bout assisting me with the signature appears Imight have done fixed it myself. Looks like we don't require the help of rough house, pool hall brawlers after all 🙂
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Well Cowboy, my younger sister Jocelyn located that fine rendition of Mr Zimmerman & Mr Petty whoopin it up alongside the very capable skin beat of Stan “slam” Lynch……now that sure makes the hairs stand on end I’m sure you’ll concur?

She also sniffed out this little ditty of Hank Junior’s ‘Country Boy’ tooon. "Rebs on Tour" 👍

Now, instead of directing all your horrid Cowboy testosterone at me, maybe you (or some other kind soul) can assist me in bedding one of these video tooon links into the signature portion of my posts on here?? I’d quite like to have one of these fine tooons accompany me around this rough house, bar hall for a while.

You got all that Ron Paul stuff tagged onto your posts below there, & I’ve tried hauling Hank Junior’s link up, but whenever I post it the appropriate space under my user cp….edit signature, blah blah….nothing appears. Not even the small amount of text included alongside the link?!

So, what’s the score with all that then?

Anyhow, I think we ought to maybe apologize to Mr dutchy124 for railroading his thread here with our honky tonk talk & musak collection. Although I do declare, it’s a whole lot more entertaining of late than that irksome old currency market.

Jocelyn say’s mind your manners in future when you’re addressing fine, upstanding Southern ladieeeez. Otherwise she’ll have cousin Elija & his best buddy John Standing Bear climb in their truck & come pay you a visit. :cheesy:

She maintains if Mr Standing Bear has a mind, he'll relieve you of your hair quicker than you can blink. Full blood Comanche, don't take kindly to the sisters of their best friend getting all flustered on British public trading sites. Elija’s not one to be confronted either I’ll have you know. 🙁

Myself? I’m not inclined to resort to physical violence when on the back foot, but her being the youngest of 6, I guess it boils down to a survival thing?!

So, you mind your p’s & q’s now you hear? 😆

Tell you what....we best include an "edgy" British tooon in amongst our Southern biased playlist huh?

Doesn't get much edgier than our man Morrissey.....this is a fine little ditty I'm sure you'll agree

ps: forget the bit bout assisting me with the signature appears Imight have done fixed it myself. Looks like we don't require the help of rough house, pool hall brawlers after all 🙂
Ampro, Umm OK?

I just woke up and trying to make sense of your post. I'll I got from it is that you have 6 sisters?

Yeehaaw !!! I'll be on the first flight !!

As far as posting the video on the threads, open up a reply box. At the top is a Tab that is an Envelope, to the right of it is a Square Blue Box. Click on this Blue Box to the right of the Envelope and open it. Once open you can Copy the Address from Youtube and paste it here, after pasting click the Reply Preview to view that the video stuck.


Kinda like this
Ok, DT I'll give that a whirl - appreciate the instructions 😉

Lets see if this test vid loads as per.......

I just want to know where the traders are? Am I the only one able to make money in this game?

Managed Accounts / Money Manager

I am a forex trader, achieving good returns, well above what any of the managed funds do achieve.
I want to become a money manager - can anyone offer guidance? especially which broker, and that which can offer a master account facility, but will accept NON REGULATED firms. I am based in India, and to become regulated here with SEBI is a joke, a 2K fee and then a 50K deposit.

Most firms i contacted ie saxo, IB , I G markets etc insist that I must be regulated in the country of my resisdence, and some like DB do not offer accounts to India ( huh guess the Germans are still sleeping!)

Other option i may look at is setting an offshore company in say Bermuda or Swiss - but dont know how the regulation will work

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated
I am a forex trader, achieving good returns, well above what any of the managed funds do achieve.

Trading a small independent personal account is not quite the same as a managed fund
With a real large account like a fund manager's you will probably find that you are achieving well below any of the managed funds you are comparing yourself to.

I want to become a money manager - can anyone offer guidance? especially which broker, and that which can offer a master account facility, but will accept NON REGULATED firms. I am based in India, and to become regulated here with SEBI is a joke, a 2K fee and then a 50K deposit.

No firm is going to give you a master account you need to get investors but before you do that you need to prove to them you are any good

Most firms i contacted ie saxo, IB , I G markets etc insist that I must be regulated in the country of my resisdence, and some like DB do not offer accounts to India ( huh guess the Germans are still sleeping!)

Ridiculing the Germans or anyone for that matter does not help
It shows you are a Joker not a fund manager

Other option i may look at is setting an offshore company in say Bermuda or Swiss - but dont know how the regulation will work

Your offshore company will more than likely not have any clients so you will be wasting your money

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated

Go back to the drawing board
As you seem very confused about what a fund manager is and how they operate and what a broker is and how they function.

here is a post that might help you to understand the setting up and operation of a Fund to to some extend
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Thanks forthe feedback - much appreciated! very good constructive
hey was not ridiculing the germans - was just humour 🙂 LOL

will appreciate more feedback
Trading a small independent personal account is not quite the same as a managed fund
With a real large account like a fund manager's you will probably find that you are achieving well below any of the managed funds you are comparing yourself to.

good point! but why should this be the case, the strategy is there, so instead of doing say 50 lots with a big fund one does 500 lots and also with no use of leverage!

so all one does is REPLICATE the same strategy
MP -- funny, i know a little about "managed" accounts.

giving your money to a manager is not something one does on an internet connection as easily as seems to being discussed here.

Lets cut to the chase --- i run a registered NYS financial holding company, under the rules and regulations of of New York State and while i may not be the biggest fish in the pond, I also do not approach prospective clients on internet trading sites ! Any "new" clients are from personal knowledge or those who think enough of me to reccomend to others.

if youre gonna look at managed accounts, youre going to be thoroughly investigating those you are interested in, speaking with clients (past and present), checking the record and credit worthiness of the company and generally doing as much work as a person should when they are handing their money to another for safe keeping !

unfortunately its not the easiest research in the world, and the account manager is naturally going to give you information that only makes the company look better, not worse, but through entities like the better business bureau, court records (well, were they ever sued or not ?) and some work, you can pretty well figure whats happening. if the account rep or whoever you meet with comes on like a used car salesperson, DO YOU REALLY want to give them your money ??

Youre probably young, have a lifetime ahead of you and plenty of time to study forex or mexican jumping beans --- find a company with as small a commission rate as possible, let your money grow (and if it doesnt grow, take it somewhere else) and slowly but surely youll get to the point where you will have enough to trade it yourself, since you will have learned EVERYTHING there is about trading and proven how good your mettle !

if in that time you havent proven your mettle, try fiberglass --- its easier to work with !

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Nither Craig, nor Ampro know what there talking about.

One can come up with any excuse they would like to, but one thing does not change. If you are a company and are missing out on a forum that has over 80,000 traders and has 5x the visitors. It's because they can't post a profit to solicit the clients.

That simple. You don't miss out on the potential clients unless you can't get them.

Coming from the only person making a profit on this forum
, listen to me. I know what I'm talking about. I have worked in the Grandest, largest trade floors in the world, there is no excuse no to be posting live trades soliciting clients.

The truth is that most of these houses that say there trading but never post actual trades are in fact using your money for other ventures, then manipulate account statements to make it seem as if there making you a profit from trading. When in fact the money is being loaned out for Real Esate ventures.

Total fraud.

I am the only one trading.


Was reading the earlier posts on this thread and came across the above marked.

Depth Trade- how do you arrive at that conclusion?
I for one chat with several traders on this site who are profitable and what makes you decide I am not profitable. You Don't know me do you?
In my experience of profitable or unprofitable traders the unsuccessful ones are the ones with that little commercial tag below their names
Was reading the earlier posts on this thread and came across the above marked.

Depth Trade- how do you arrive at that conclusion?

Oh I wouldn't take too much notice of all that gamma.

Augustus McCrae (aka Depth Trade) - legendary Texas Ranger, largest cattle rancher in the State of Texas & successful currency speculator has spent far too much time ploddin the range minus his hat. All that sun exposure has finally caught up with him & fried him a good lick.

Aint that so Augustus 😉

Mind you, that old boy sure can handle an appaloosa


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I also find that those who find the need to brag are the ones who perpetuate a "I am profitable" fantasy in order to cover up their own inadequacies and insecurities over the fact that they haven't been able to figure out how to make money.