Well Cowboy, my younger sister Jocelyn located that fine rendition of Mr Zimmerman & Mr Petty whoopin it up alongside the very capable skin beat of Stan “slam” Lynch……now that sure makes the hairs stand on end I’m sure you’ll concur?
She also sniffed out this little ditty of Hank Junior’s ‘Country Boy’ tooon.
"Rebs on Tour" 👍
Now, instead of directing all your horrid Cowboy testosterone at me, maybe you (or some other kind soul) can assist me in bedding one of these video tooon links into the signature portion of my posts on here?? I’d quite like to have one of these fine tooons accompany me around this rough house, bar hall for a while.
You got all that Ron Paul stuff tagged onto your posts below there, & I’ve tried hauling Hank Junior’s link up, but whenever I post it the appropriate space under my user cp….edit signature, blah blah….nothing appears. Not even the small amount of text included alongside the link?!
So, what’s the score with all that then?
Anyhow, I think we ought to maybe apologize to Mr dutchy124 for railroading his thread here with our honky tonk talk & musak collection. Although I do declare, it’s a whole lot more entertaining of late than that irksome old currency market.
Jocelyn say’s mind your manners in future when you’re addressing fine, upstanding Southern ladieeeez. Otherwise she’ll have cousin Elija & his best buddy John Standing Bear climb in their truck & come pay you a visit. :cheesy:
She maintains if Mr Standing Bear has a mind, he'll relieve you of your hair quicker than you can blink. Full blood Comanche, don't take kindly to the sisters of their best friend getting all flustered on British public trading sites. Elija’s not one to be confronted either I’ll have you know.
Myself? I’m not inclined to resort to physical violence when on the back foot, but her being the youngest of 6, I guess it boils down to a survival thing?!
So, you mind your p’s & q’s now you hear?
Tell you what....we best include an "edgy" British tooon in amongst our Southern biased playlist huh?
Doesn't get much edgier than our man Morrissey.....this is a fine little ditty I'm sure you'll agree
ps: forget the bit bout assisting me with the signature part....it appears Imight have done fixed it myself. Looks like we don't require the help of rough house, pool hall brawlers after all