Advice on application to prop firms


Junior member
When writing a cover letter applying to prop firms, what points should I be looking to highlight about myself? I'll be applying for the "grad schemes" although I dont know if my degree is good enough (2:2 in Business from UEA) but I do have other redeeming qualities. Ive listed some points about myself but not sure which ones to expand on and convey in my applications so any pointers would be great 👍

  1. Ive got a big interest in trading and have read books, used demo accounts, and also learnt about technical and fundamental anylysis. Ive looked at entry and exit strategies.
  2. I fully expect to have to prove myself to earn anything.
  3. I am a competitive person and want to make as much profit as possible - and I want to spend my spare time practising and increasing my knowledge so I can be a better trader; I'm not expecting a career to be handed to me on a plate.
  4. This isn't a fall back option for me, it's something I've wanted to do from the start and my focus and commitment is on this 100%.
  5. I'm not looking to coast - Once I become a good trader, I will still strive to be a better trader and will never become complacent.
  6. I'm confident and a clear communicator - I've done a lot of public speaking and debating.

Thanks in advance for any pointers :smart:
lol wish it was that easy pal! Just looking to see what you more experienced guys think are good things to put on my applications to Met Traders, Schneider etc. Hoping maybe people who got offered interviews can give an insight to what sort of things they focused on in their applications.

PS: Would have posted this in the "looking to hire" section had I been looking to get an opportunity through this site 😛
More experienced? hahahaha. I'm in the same boat as you. here are threads about schnieder tading in the carrers form I think. Some people on here work for them (or claim to lol). Beter off screening the thread for a who's who and then asking someone who works for them.
Those are all good attributes to have, but unfortunately it's very difficult to express them as aspects of your own personality without it sounding incredibly contrived. Bear in mind that prop firms receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications per month, so a cover letter that starts 'I first became interested in trading...' is probably going to extract a bit of a yawn.

If you've done anything that makes you stand out, be it sporting achievements, business ventures, anything like that, get it in their heads within the first paragraph; people make the mistake of thinking that a cover letter is just a formality in order to have someone read your CV, but I believe that nothing could be further from the truth. Your cover letter can give someone a much better 'feel' for your personality than a list of your accomplishments if done properly, and I would say that your character and personal qualities are as important, if not more so, to people looking to hire prop traders. That said, there is a balance; keep it crisp, formal and to the point.

Hope this helps; keep posting on T2W, that way if you need more help people may be inclined to give it to you, and there's plenty of people on here whose experience you could use in your situation.

sorry I've been a little bit negligent with feedback turbo, I will be getting in touch soon... just got a lot on my plate atm
Thanks for the advice guys. There's a lot of very good info on this board, and Ive now got an assessment with Futex tomorrow so am looking forward to that!