advice needed no degree do i have any chance?


Junior member
hi all

very new to this site and indeed the financial world, I am looking for any advice people could give me on how to get my foot in the door as a trader? I have been using my own bank role for the last 6 months mainly day trading on commodities and futures using spread betting firms, although im not making millions im around even this is predominately down to my limited funds and of course lack of knowledge!

I am 27 years old I don't have a degree nor to i have background in financials plus my academic grades are not great (i know really selling myself) in the past i have been involved with sales I.T recruitment, estate agents etc but over the last 6 years i have been running my business dealing in sporting memorabilia,, this involved just about every aspect you could imagine from a start up business, although it has been as great experienc and ive traveled all over the world meeting and arranging signings with some of my sporting heroes, its had its day and i miss the working in the city and the social side, above all this i have a passion for trading and nothing else really holds my interest like this.

so on to my main question, do i have any hope of a becoming a full time trader? i am willing to take a big pay cut to start, just need to get my foot on the trading floor and some training.

Any advice would be great

hi all

very new to this site and indeed the financial world, I am looking for any advice people could give me on how to get my foot in the door as a trader? I have been using my own bank role for the last 6 months mainly day trading on commodities and futures using spread betting firms, although im not making millions im around even this is predominately down to my limited funds and of course lack of knowledge!

I am 27 years old I don't have a degree nor to i have background in financials plus my academic grades are not great (i know really selling myself) in the past i have been involved with sales I.T recruitment, estate agents etc but over the last 6 years i have been running my business dealing in sporting memorabilia,, this involved just about every aspect you could imagine from a start up business, although it has been as great experienc and ive traveled all over the world meeting and arranging signings with some of my sporting heroes, its had its day and i miss the working in the city and the social side, above all this i have a passion for trading and nothing else really holds my interest like this.

so on to my main question, do i have any hope of a becoming a full time trader? i am willing to take a big pay cut to start, just need to get my foot on the trading floor and some training.

Any advice would be great


I know my spelling was terrible! far too much time o the laptop
Originally Posted by alex2526
so on to my main question, do i have any hope of a becoming a full time trader? i am willing to take a big pay cut to start, just need to get my foot on the trading floor and some training.

with no qualifications to get you onto a grad course, and no real trading history you would have to take a pay cut to zero and find a backer.😕
What do you want from trading? If you want to be working for an Investment Bank as a trader, I think you can pretty much forget it. There are no entry qualifcations though for trading your own account; all you need is some capital. You say that you have a passion for trading - have you got a demo account and started paper trading? That would be a good start to see whether you can make enough money to support yourself. If, after a few years, you are consistently making money, you can use the track record to get backed.