Action Medical Research

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
Guys and girls,
We talk and argue about trading on these boards, but out there in the real world there are problems which can be solved with money and effort. They are so much more important than trading.
My son is going to cycle from London to Paris to raise money for the Touching Tiny Lives campaign of Action Medical Research.
I hate asking anything of anybody but will for this cause.
They have previously raised a great deal of money for Great Ormond Street and it has made a real difference.
One of the senior consultants at GOS is sponsoring him because his department has been able to help babies as a result of previous fund raising.
If you feel able to just give something, a lot of people will appreciate it, some not even born yet.
Anything you feel kind and generous enough to give will go directly to Action Medical Research if you click on this link and then on "Sponsor David Joyson".

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Thanks to the one t2w member who has chipped in to support this neo-natal campaign my son is cycling to Paris for.
Everything is appreciated.
Many thanks to these t2w members for your kind contributions.

12/04/2007 Dr N Rockliff £40.00
10/04/2007 Mr Mark Berry £10.00
09/04/2007 Mr Tony Walker £20.00
08/04/2007 anonymous £3.00 (probably t2w !)

David is training hard, up early every morning and riding 25 miles most days, partly on the tow path along the Thames but mainly on roads. He's never gone further than school before so it's a huge task riding to Paris and an even huger one trying to raise £1000 for Action Medical Research.
He's back at Uni next week but is still going to get up very early and train every morning.
He came off his bike when attacked by a moronic dog on the tow path this morning but didn't end up in the Thames. He's a gutsy and determined lad who never gives up - maybe he ought to trade !
Thanks again to the contributors.
Again very many thanks to those additional t2w members who have supported David.
24/04/2007 Mr Rayner Saggers £30.00
18/04/2007 Mr Paul Sheemar £50.00

David was interviewed on BBC Southern Counties (Surrey) radio this morning at 6.50am and it will be probably be repeated on their DriveTime programme 4.00pm to 7.00pm today so if anyone has that station on at rush hour, then listen out for him.

Thanks again to the supporting t2w members, you're doing good ;-)
I have not posted on t2w for a long time and will not be doing so again after this one off post.
Thank you to all my friends here who have supported my son's ride to Paris for Action Medical Research. Some people contributed on line, some with posted cheques.
He arrived home late last night on Eurostar after a long and tiring ride from Kingston to the Champs Elysee. He has raised well over the set figure of £1000, partly thanks to people here and felt a great sense of achievement when the Eiffel Tower appeared on the horizon as he rose into Paris.
Guys and girls, you've helped ill and vulnerable children - thank you.
All my friends and contacts can of course keep in touch by email.
Over and out.