AC Markets


I was just wondering what people thought about AC Markets? They offer "no slippage" and very low spreads. Also as they are swiss based there is no CGT.

So has anybody used them?



I was just wondering what people thought about AC Markets? They offer "no slippage" and very low spreads. Also as they are swiss based there is no CGT.

So has anybody used them?



Where they're based makes no difference to your tax liability. If you're in the UK, you'll still have to pay CGT on your profits.

Should be avoided like swine flu

And I hear FXGiant is in fact nothing but a whinging dwarf! True or not? Well I have nothing to back this claim up, and nor did you with your bucket shop comment. Please, if you have anything bar hot air that is truthful, let us pat least hear it.

NS1000- as a Guernsey (in the British isles if I am not mistaken!) and Swiss bank account holder, I do not pay any Capital Gains Tax in either of these 2 places. Any other such UK places?
Don't mean to be anal, but Guernsey isn't in the UK. It's a crown possession, and goverened as a Bailliwick with the UK taking repsonsiblity for defence and foreign policy. Anyway, the tax system in Guernsey isn't the same as in the UK. Irrespective of that, your tax situation will depend on where you're tax resident, not where your bank accounts are. I don't know what the situation in the US is, but in the UK you're taxed on your worldwide earnings. If you've already paid tax on profit, as long as the country in which you're trading has a witholding tax agreement with your country of residence, you're only charged the difference between the two tax rates. Might be totally different in the US, but I believe you'd still have to pay something legally. Whether you declared it or not is up to you, but given the rapidity with which banking secrecy laws are unravelling around the world, there is a chance you'd get caught of you didn't declare. A slim one, but a chance nonetheless.
And I hear FXGiant is in fact nothing but a whinging dwarf! True or not? Well I have nothing to back this claim up, and nor did you with your bucket shop comment.

Thats great, in your first post in trade2win is quite convincing 😛
Thats great, in your first post in trade2win is quite convincing 😛

No ill wished upon you FXGiant, and yes I like to make an entrance! I hope you understand my point though, too many unfounded negative remarks start to become uninformative and monotonous, especially for the new trader looking for information as part of their DD. The gtrader who dares to write a good post about their broker gets the other end of the stick, oooh, they must work for the broker, or be an IB or something. Yes of course there are a few examples of that but not too many I suspect. More probably the guy who writes "SCAM!" about broker A is employed by broker B.

ns100,you are wrong, unfortunately your little piece of internal government and history requires explained, so being Anal is OK. This is not a UK/GB/British Isles only forum. If you start to talk about "Bailliwick" or what have you to foreign, English speaking people, do you honestly expect them to have any idea about that history? When anybody says UK the majority of us will include all the little islands near and far from you, even the Outer Hebrides. So if explaining this little fact to us means you are being Anal, well....thanks for being that for us because outside of the British Isles this is quite frankly not such a known fact to the rest of the world, as you obviously thought it was.
ns100,you are wrong, unfortunately your little piece of internal government and history requires explained, so being Anal is OK. This is not a UK/GB/British Isles only forum. If you start to talk about "Bailliwick" or what have you to foreign, English speaking people, do you honestly expect them to have any idea about that history? When anybody says UK the majority of us will include all the little islands near and far from you, even the Outer Hebrides. So if explaining this little fact to us means you are being Anal, well....thanks for being that for us because outside of the British Isles this is quite frankly not such a known fact to the rest of the world, as you obviously thought it was.

What's with the attitude, and in what way was I wrong? The Channel Islands aren't part of the UK, and so don't come under the same regulation. You were mistaken about something and I felt like pointing it out. If you don't want to be corrected, don't make mistakes. If I thought it was an obvious thing, it wouldn't have been worth mentioning, but as money held in the Channel Island doesn't fall under the protection of the UK financial services compensation scheme, it is worth pointing out the difference to someone who may not know.
I need to get one thing straight, I was not saying this with any anger intended. What surprised me was the way you said you had to be "Anal" about it, as if we should have been aware of this fact. I am sorry that I was not, and I am sure there are plenty others out there like me. I thank you for your explanation. I don't mind being corrected just not with a pompous attitude.

You are correct in saying that the "Banking Privacy" laws, as the Swiss call it, are going through changes, however what the US and others wish to achieve may in actual fact fall way short at the end. To cause another bank colapse (UBS- if after the 52,000 names are given) is not something the world can face one more time, in my estimation. I still believe that whatever the outcome, offshore banks will find a new way around this problem. In the meantime, if you have a small trading account in Switzerland that is fed by a Swiss bank account, and you use it as your spending money when traveling outside of the US, there should still be no problem, just don't try and get into the US with a roll equaling $9,999!!
By the way to my new found friends, I am with ACM. I have plenty of good reasons for being with them, reasons which make me happy, but like I said before, if I were to start to blab about these now, I would be booed of the forum!

Just to share a little about my screen name terminatorfx, in raelity I'm a bunny, my real name is...Sarah Connor...I think that should be explanation a plenty 🙂
No ill wished upon you FXGiant, and yes I like to make an entrance! I hope you understand my point though, too many unfounded negative remarks start to become uninformative and monotonous, especially for the new trader looking for information as part of their DD. The gtrader who dares to write a good post about their broker gets the other end of the stick, oooh, they must work for the broker, or be an IB or something. Yes of course there are a few examples of that but not too many I suspect. More probably the guy who writes "SCAM!" about broker A is employed by broker B.

Really. Then you need to do the DD against to find out what went wrong that you have selected this particular market maker for your clearing account.:clover:
Well, i've been with them for quite a while now and I've watched them keep pushing forward and, as a client of theirs, I have experienced the constantly improving execution their platform offers. To remain ahead and competitive in this game, you can't just sit on your laurels 'cos you won a few awards.
They have of late finally added (they kept postponing the launch!) the MT4, and they have also restructured their diferent accounts by adding even more. also "new" is their new iPhone platform. I have not tried either their MT nor their iPhone, I have no need to.
I finding the FXInsider on the ACM platform very good, so much useful informations on the market that is imediate and helps for deciding how to trade and which way it may go.
They are the only broker to hat have a policy against slippage and they own their trading software, hardly any technical problems, not even when the market is moving fast