About to trade the Bund, need advice.


Hi there,

I'm just about to start trading the Bund outright. As such I would be grateful to anyone who has any ideas as to what technical indicators work best in this market, What time lengths for moving averages etc seem to work. Any new insights would be great guys. Having already traded Euribor and the Dax, I have some idea of what should work - however any advice would be welcome.


Would keep eye on Dax, Bobl, Schatz, Eurodollar, US 30-year and EURUSD.
People I know trading outright Bund watch Dax closely.
I think it is a recipe for insanity.
Cheers for the reply twalker,
I agree with what you said, including the "insanity" part where the Dax is concerned. But do you know anything about which technicals work with the bund more than others, like oscillators or something?

cheers again,
10 yr t-bond is good indicator - watching bobl and schatz too. Eurostoxx can help too along with EURUSD together with USDJPY. What timescale are you working on? I'm talking short-term intra-day.
Hi Sahil,
I'm on the same time horizon as you - intra-daily. I also look at everything you mentioned except the USDJPY. I look at daily, 30 min and 5 min charts. Do you use moving averages, MACD or any other indicator? With the 10 T-bond I find the bund tends to follow it in the afternoon, and in the morning its the other way round.
I'm a spread trader - did the odd scalps in bund, but gave up sometime ago when market got too liquid. I like to get in and out of trades fast. Some serious size goes thru at prices. I currently trade bobl/bund spreads looking at moving averages, bollinger bands and recent 'historic' levels. Use 3 min charts for most stuff. Gilt is a good one to look at in morning, and 10yr in the afternoon. One of my mates looks at the cash quote/chart and swears by it. Might be good for u on outrights.
I'm going to try trading the Bobl tomorrow, and might even have a look at the spread matrix..As fof the cash quote and charts - I'll give them a go, cheers
If u don't mind:

Are u trading these from home? Who r u trading thru and what is the brokerage like?
Bund- The freight train!!


Bund is a freight train. When it trends its beautiful. Just dont stand in front of it. Stay with the trend.

Sahil, no I'm not, I've started trading with a futures trading company, currently in training.

FibCouple, read ya loud and clear on that one.
Need some help


I was wondering if you could give me any tips on trading the bobl-bund spread. What time frame do you use to look at the spread itself? 5min, 15 min, 3 min?

Any other advice would really be helpful.

Thanks man


Sahil said:
I'm a spread trader - did the odd scalps in bund, but gave up sometime ago when market got too liquid. I like to get in and out of trades fast. Some serious size goes thru at prices. I currently trade bobl/bund spreads looking at moving averages, bollinger bands and recent 'historic' levels. Use 3 min charts for most stuff. Gilt is a good one to look at in morning, and 10yr in the afternoon. One of my mates looks at the cash quote/chart and swears by it. Might be good for u on outrights.
Any views on the new 30 year bund contract that eurex are launching on 9 Sep?

I assume it'll be more volatile than the 10 year contract (liquidity of the deliverables etc) but can't guage how popular it'll be
A Dashing Blade said:
Any views on the new 30 year bund contract that eurex are launching on 9 Sep?

I assume it'll be more volatile than the 10 year contract (liquidity of the deliverables etc) but can't guage how popular it'll be

Will be interesting to watch, to date the Buxl has been completely useless so I'll be looking forward to seeing what difference the changes make.
FibCouple said:

Bund is a freight train. When it trends its beautiful. Just dont stand in front of it. Stay with the trend.


A very good point! 😉
vantage77 said:
Hi there,

I'm just about to start trading the Bund outright. As such I would be grateful to anyone who has any ideas as to what technical indicators work best in this market, What time lengths for moving averages etc seem to work. Any new insights would be great guys. Having already traded Euribor and the Dax, I have some idea of what should work - however any advice would be welcome.


At the moment keep an eye on Oil and gold, these two markets are at elevated levels and are driven by geopolitical concerns. In the case of Gold; dollar weakness but both oil and gold impact bonds due to concern over inflation.
The Bund remains weak due to expected future ECB rate increases. Macro economics are nearly always the best guide to long term market moves.
John Lewis
Seven Days Ahead.com
Where can I get a demo account to trade BUND ?

Hi there,

I'm just about to start trading the Bund outright. As such I would be grateful to anyone who has any ideas as to what technical indicators work best in this market, What time lengths for moving averages etc seem to work. Any new insights would be great guys. Having already traded Euribor and the Dax, I have some idea of what should work - however any advice would be welcome.


Try amp or mirus futures using Ninjatrader for example.

Pretty young thread this what.