A way to trade Forex that works for me

Yeah Manual Trading is the best way to make some good money online, though there are some good brokers in here, but it is very difficult to choose from them.
I want to express my modest opinion.
Your way is very simple, but not profitable. You try to simplify the entire process, you exclude news, macro statistics, and other important things. In this case, you will be able to trade very comfortably. But you can't answer on questions: "Why I must earn money? What is my competitive advantage?". Until you will not be able to understand how markets work, you don't earn money. Good luck!
Totally Agreed with you, having a simple trading style is not that much effective if you go on with it for a long time, you need to evolve your trading style to achieve success.
Hey man. Thank you for sharing this but I think talthough the news generates anxiety, it is good to always be informed.
I would not agree with the last one, sometimes news can be very much helpful for us to trade with Forex, news reading is a good idea according to me.

I share your sentiments here, we can not really control the outcome of events whether they are going to be good or bad.
So too with the news, we just learn from whatever outcome there is. In fact this is a good in the sense that it can be a guard for us or like a warning. It doesn't matter the outcome of any news update, there must be something it can do for us
There are a lot of ways to trade on Forex. Everyone choose what better for them and for their character. After that, people are beginning to trade positively and make profit.
FOREX can be profitable, in the short-term in the medium-term and in the long-term. Forex is a really difficult business. To make money with forex, you have to know the technique and have enough experience or you lose more than what you make.

You don't need to say "FOREX" in every sentence, we know what the subject is 😀
It's probably a good idea to at least know when news are coming out, even if you don't read them, that way you know when there will be more volatility than usual.
i scalp a lot,and have to know what’s coming ......it will,cause a bump in the road .....always .....and post event gauging the movement of key currencies is also very important ....if a currency does not react as expected to news thats absolute gold information for me.....i can use that .....the currency becomes predictable for a brief period with a bias indicate by the news vs reaction

i scalp a lot,and have to know what’s coming ......it will,cause a bump in the road .....always .....and post event gauging the movement of key currencies is also very important ....if a currency does not react as expected to news thats absolute gold information for me.....i can use that .....the currency becomes predictable for a brief period with a bias indicate by the news vs reaction


And if it reacts to the news properly it remains unpredictable? Or every case it's particular and have go through the market hunch to make a decision?
Sometimes, when you are not sure how the market will react to fundamentals it's a good idea to withdraw altogether, wait out the fundamentals and then trade again.