frugi said:
There is a strong chance it will become part of the KLAB, but for the moment we lack a Content Editor, so it will be a short while before anything happens - sorry!. Meanwhile I agree that taking steps to guard your intellectual property is a good idea, timsk. Rogues abound in this field, as you know.
I absolutely agree with your advice with regard to guarding intellectual property and your real and very valid warning about marauding rogues, some of whom incidentally successfully masquerade as helpless and / or curious and / or in need of help, or otherwise but in reality are covert persistent information beggars and pirates. Some of these actually transform the original information to make it unrecognisable and useless.
On the other side of the coin, I frequently spot sporadic information and advice which is truly priceless, but only to those able to recognise these and to use them properly. In this regard, I have come to the conclusion that no matter how clearly or persistently these may be put in front of an audience there are very few able to recognise these gems for what they truly are, the great majority are apt to dismiss them as mere pebbles.
This leads me to the conclusion that the great majority are apt to ignore what ought not to be ignored in preference for what ought to be. In the stampede for what in mainstream terms are viewed as solutions, the real answers remain unasked and unaswered. The latter part of this paragraph involves work, real work, which the great majority are either unwilling or unable to carry out for themselves.
Because the great majority are either unable or unwilling to do the work for themselves, therefore exposure of a plan that requires personal effort is not viewed with the value that it should have attached to it. This is not what people want, they want quick fix solutions, signals, indicators, formulas, systems, black boxes, and all sorts of gimmicks that will exonerate them, according to their perception, from the tedium of what is truly required.
Therefore, anything that requires graft must be safe. Long may this continue.
Kind Regards As Usual.