Well, I MAY Not be the best person to ask as I started with C# before it was publicly known and was widelay acknoledged as expert.
I love it 😉 Seriously - it is a great system. THe LANGUAGE is very nice, in front of java (real properties, the stuff they do with generics is lightyears before java, and function pointers / LINQ is really innovative).
Add to that a really good runtime (NOT pointing fingers at Java NOW - they took long enough - more in the direction of other legacy langauges like Visual Basic) and really nice frameworks and - i like it.
It is hugh, though. MS adds some really nice stuff. I just get into WPF for my user interface - vector / XML based (similar approach to HTML, just a LOT more powerfull) - and am extremely burdened (lots to learn) and thrilled.
If you try going .NET go 4.0 beta 2 - by the time you have something to give away, it is final, and the beta is well supported by microsoft 😉
I personally like it. Visual Studio is a worthy ide to add (not saying the best, jsut saying it is not the weak point in the line anymore with 2010).
Try it out 😉
And talking of Windows 7 - another love point for me. I took Vista because "well, yeah". It was "nice", but mostly it was not XP (standard look - ugly in my eyes). Windows 7 I really like. ESPECIALLY if you go .NET 4.0 and use the new shell integration API you can really do some nice stuff.