A sad, sad day...

It is terrible. Why deny it?

At least there is a proof of the loving relationship.

I am amiable and neutral towards all comers, with the exception of BS'ers who I like to get a kick out of. But my own position is clear cut. Anyway, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Now I withdraw my professional interweb identity change service from him.

Was the Fonz character ghey, or at least regarded so in some quarters ? I was never a fan of these 'friends' type of programmes - not very manly in my view. So I didn't realise there might have been a connotation/sign there.
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I always thought he was a bit funny. But this is just terrible. I have to say I am glad they banned him. He could have ruined my reputation since I occasionally have a laugh with him.

Hear hear. I can't believe what they let people get up to in the 21st century, as soon as I found out that Alan Carr was one of those funny one's I stopped watching him.
I am amiable and neutral towards all comers, with the exception of BS'ers who I like to get a kick out of. But my own position is clear cut. Anyway, thanks for bringing that to my attention. Now I withdraw my professional interweb identity change service from him.

Was the Fonz character ghey, or at least regarded so in some quarters ? I was never a fan of these 'friends' type of programmes - not very manly in my view. So I didn't realise there might have been a connotation/sign there.

That's a wise move BJ - you don't want to jeopardize your reputation.

Was he? If you look at the picture - probably.
Paz banned?

I found him to be a sad pretentious sod if I'm to be honest. Waste of space.

Funny was he? hahahha... Must be the German in me as I thought he was a stupid git void of any humour... Never thought fonzie was funny either...

Sorry to all you guys out there who thought he was nice or clever.

Over 5 years at T2W these are the guys I have on my ignore list...

richi rich
The Power

There was one other fruit cake but don't remember his name...
Paz banned?

I found him to be a sad prentious sod if I'm to be honest. Waste of space.

Funny was he? hahahha... Must be the German in me as I thought he was a stupid git void of any humour... Never thought fonzie was funny either...

Sorry to all you guys out there who thought he was nice or clever.

Over 5 years at T2W these are the guys I have on my ignore list...

richi rich
The Power

There was one other fruit cake but don't remember his name...

he lists his interest as:

"gurls & keying cars, annoying the hell out of anal-retentive assholes that have ZERO sense of humor"

He sounds well funny. Comedy must run in his family or somefink...


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Haha that's funny.

The past is history, the future is a mystery and the now is a present to us all as a wise old tortoise once said...

No point worrying about the future as it's grey and wet... with intermittant flashes and big whopping slaps... That's life eh :)

"T2W shot themselves in the foot (again)" - oh, hare, you really take the biscuit :LOL:. It was paz who had the gun, filled it with porn etc bullets, pointed at his own head and fired. He committed suicide and how you can lay that at T2W's door is just a tad rich even from you.


I've heard about being driven to drink.

This is the first time I've ever witnessed people being driven to p0rn, though!

Jon - may I ask which genre Dash & Paz chose to use in their exit plans?

Just out of interest....
Drr,paz and now gamma what did he do, he seemed far too sensible to be hit with a ban?