A question on some abbreviations in Thinkorswim


Hey everybody,

pretty new here, I'll appreciate if someone answer my question.

When trying to buy/sell a put/call option in TOS platform, there are abbreviations such as M, X, Z, O, ..., next to bid and ask price, What do they mean?
Hey everybody,

pretty new here, I'll appreciate if someone answer my question.

When trying to buy/sell a put/call option in TOS platform, there are abbreviations such as M, X, Z, O, ..., next to bid and ask price, What do they mean?

I don't have TOS access but I am going to guess that it represents expiration dates.

Call Options : January is A , February is B ....December is L.

Put Options : January is M, February is N.....December is X

A second letter may represent the price bracket.

A is $5, B is 10, C is 15.....75 is O.....T is 00.........U is 7.5, V is 12.5

There are different ways of displaying an option chain...