A new revolutionary trading robot?

Apparently it is a scalping approach aiming for around 6 pips. Here are the "trades" (all theoretical of course). I have not checked to see if they have accounted for slippage or spread but I guess not. Sorry for the layout as I have just copied and pasted straight from the sales page.

I see that every day the link is updated with new information. The end balance is supposedly $5M :)


Not good enough Paul. Please go back and check every trade for execution, slippage and spread please. (Also let us know if it rained on any of the days the trades were placed).
I want to show you every single trade that the Forex AutoCash Robot™ took in the past 8+ years.

Why do I want to show you every single trade? Well, very simple...

I’m sick and tired of vendors “hand picking” results and showing only what’s in their interest to show you. A profitable trade here... a profitable trade there... you know EXACTLY what I mean.

If you have a great profitable Forex system, a true cash pumping solution...there’s absolutely no reason in the world to “hide” behind hand-picked results.

I’m going to PROVE to you that the Forex AutoCash Robot™ is the most POWERFUL Forex trading robot in existence. When I say a new world record has been broken, I MEAN IT!


  • moonbat.gif
    3.8 KB · Views: 601
I can settle this one right now

Its a copy and paste of my trading account the charlatan's (not the band)

Slippage and Spread (Apparently)

I can settle this one right now

Its a copy and paste of my trading account the charlatan's (not the band)


Out of interest asked about spread and slippage, the answer is below, :rolleyes:


Spread (2 pips) and slippage (5 pips) are included in the backtesting.


If it smells like sh*t, it is sh*t

Autocash for the vendor sounds more like it :clap::clap::clap:
i will be a misinformation agent (sounds cool) how much do I get paid??? What does the 'robot is sold out' mean?
i am running this robot for 6 months,
never lost ONCE
lost only once in 9 years!

dont listen to the negative input here
they probably are paid misinformation agents

but that robot is sold out!

the best and closest to that is Forex Auto

everything i put out works


Go fudge your mum...
-why do fx robot vendors insist on having images of 1.deckchairs under a palmtree on a beach
and 2. wads of cash and/or gold coins on their websites. I want more creativity from fx robot vendors - how about a biking clad gal massaging me as i trade fx or something similar...any other ideas??
There is nothing such as a never-wrong-revolutionary-trading-robot. As long as you base your investments purely on Technical Analysis with no head involved, you easily get into trouble.

Here is a critical review of another day trading robot, which makes just the same point:
Day Trading Robot Review