the hare,
To your credit, one thing everyone agrees about when your name crops up is just how remarkably consistent you are. You should play darts - you'd score 180 every time! Just a slight shame you're so consistently wrong. Still, on the plus side, your absurd and often laughable anti-T2W agenda acts as a highly effective inverse sentiment indicator which confirms that we're proceeding along the right lines. It's when you stop spouting your nonsense that I get worried!
I don't play darts, but Ironically, the last time I contributed anything remotely useful to t2w, I posted details of an article in which the authors discussed a statistical methodology for optimizing your score whilst playing darts. Attempting to obtain a score of 180 isn't always the optimum strategy, dependent on the players skill level.
that aside, i think my record shows that I am generally right, and with reasonable consistency
Lets not forget, it was one of the sites favorite vendors and advocates who initially made the adverse comment regarding the lack of public participation by your CEO. That doesn't really sound as if you are proceeding along the right lines.
Whilst I am confident that you will achieve your long term objectives transforming t2w into a "shining beacon" even you must admit that over the short term, you are experiencing a downturn in traffic, a reduction in the quality of contributions, an increase in spam etc. however if your happy with the situation, knock yourself out mate
Furthermore, you can count the the number of posts made by Steve, and you can evaluate the decreasing frequency in which those posts have been made over time (perhaps someone could post a little chart of posts per week since his appointment, the trend is so clear, that I'm pretty sure that even the greenest of new traders could easily establish the trend.
As I say , it's a disaster