A-Level Student looking to break into the market

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Hey guys

I've been researching a lot lately into the stock market and have had a great interest in securing as position as a broker within a firm. However, most of the positions (and even an interview) that i have been to/found involve the "alternative market" involving brokerage jobs revolving around diamonds/land/wine/carbon. Whereas i was aiming towards stocks and shares and having the opportunity to sit the XII Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment Certificate in Securities exam. Whereas i do not feel that these "Alternative" market brokerage positions will allow me to progress in my career, and that they are just boiler room operations.

Could anyone offer me advice?

One position i had an interview at but declined as i suspected them being a boiler room operation was at a company called: Alternative trading assets , who are associated with "Whitmore Global"

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.
Hey guys

I've been researching a lot lately into the stock market and have had a great interest in securing as position as a broker within a firm. However, most of the positions (and even an interview) that i have been to/found involve the "alternative market" involving brokerage jobs revolving around diamonds/land/wine/carbon. Whereas i was aiming towards stocks and shares and having the opportunity to sit the XII Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment Certificate in Securities exam. Whereas i do not feel that these "Alternative" market brokerage positions will allow me to progress in my career, and that they are just boiler room operations.

Could anyone offer me advice?

One position i had an interview at but declined as i suspected them being a boiler room operation was at a company called: Alternative trading assets , who are associated with "Whitmore Global"

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.

There are plenty of opportunities to get a job ripping off pensioners and widows by promising them big returns on all sorts of crap like carbon credits and coloured diamonds. All you'll be doing is effectively stealing from them. If you've any sense you'll stay well clear of this industry and get a proper job.
There are plenty of opportunities to get a job ripping off pensioners and widows by promising them big returns on all sorts of crap like carbon credits and colored diamonds. All you'll be doing is effectively stealing from them. If you've any sense you'll stay well clear of this industry and get a proper job.

This wasn't for colored diamonds, it was simply diamonds apparently, I'm not too sure, nonetheless i declined the opportunity as i suspected it to be that. How can i land a proper job in the industry as opposed to a boiler room operation?
This wasn't for colored diamonds, it was simply diamonds apparently, I'm not too sure, nonetheless i declined the opportunity as i suspected it to be that. How can i land a proper job in the industry as opposed to a boiler room operation?

Most firms are cutting equity brokerage headcount fairly aggressively so it's not an easy space to get into. On the other hand they seem to be cutting experienced brokers (expensive) and replacing with graduates (cheap) so it's not an impossible task, but you have to be realistic about competition for places. You're posting as an A-level student, so I guess you're implying with a degree, right? If not then you've no chance outside a bucket shop, otherwise get your head down, ace your a-levels, get to a decent uni (not an ex- poly) and come out with a degree in a mathematically literate subject. Meanwhile blitz the brokerages with applications for internships over the summer while making sure your cv is as rounded as possible. If all that doesn't put you off, you've got a fighting chance (incidentally youthful enthusiasm in the face of overwhelming odds is a pre-requisite, as you'll find when your boss gives you a list of names and tells you that's your client list, now get on with it). I would struggle to think of a less pleasant job in financial services although its fairly well paid at the top end.
still gotta a long way to go, don't join the firms at this point, believe me after some shady training and title you will be desperately cold calling clients daily. Be patient, learn some quantitative skills in the university and I believe there will be a better place for you.....after all people will run out of cash.

Hey guys

I've been researching a lot lately into the stock market and have had a great interest in securing as position as a broker within a firm. However, most of the positions (and even an interview) that i have been to/found involve the "alternative market" involving brokerage jobs revolving around diamonds/land/wine/carbon. Whereas i was aiming towards stocks and shares and having the opportunity to sit the XII Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment Certificate in Securities exam. Whereas i do not feel that these "Alternative" market brokerage positions will allow me to progress in my career, and that they are just boiler room operations.

Could anyone offer me advice?

One position i had an interview at but declined as i suspected them being a boiler room operation was at a company called: Alternative trading assets , who are associated with "Whitmore Global"

Any thoughts or advice appreciated.

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