A good website for European stocks' Top Volume in real time


Can anyone tell me a good and free website that I can monitor European shares' top volume in real time, please? I highly trade in UK, France, Germany and Spain. Yahoo-Finance UK, France and Germany are 15 mins delayed. Only Yahoo USA has real-time service. Thank you so much for your info.
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Can anyone tell me a good and free website that I can monitor European shares' top volume in real time, please? I highly trade in UK, France, Germany and Spain. Yahoo-Finance UK, France and Germany are 15 mins delayed. Only Yahoo USA has real-time service. Thank you so much for your info.

Real-time prices and volume are hard to get for free in Europe as the info itself is charged for by the relevant exchanges which report it. I’d suggest sighing up for a CFD account with someone like IG and, if you trade enough on each exchange (UK, FR, DE and ES) each month, the costs incurred for access to the live data will be reimbursed at the end of the month. Good luck. You’re not the first to ask and you def won’t be the last.