A genuine request.... thank you for your input....


After being reprimanded by the moderator I am following his guide line and post onl;y in one place.... hopefully you will givew me the benefit of the doubt....

I was saying yesterday that I was new in the trading business and was looking for a good company with Mac OS X compatibility.... After spending many hours on the net I came up with a few companies and I will like to have your opinion about it....

Gofutures, Direct trade, Sonic futures.... seem to be a subsidiary of Jarr Financial

Orion futures ...

Express futures ....

Xpress trade .... seems very good but unbelievably high fees ($11 per side)

Strategy Runner ...

CCS trade .......

Interactive brokers.... fair fees.... the system seems very complex.... and poor customer service

Thats it I will very much appreciate your comments.... and if you know any other one that fit my profile feel free to mention it....

Thank you for your assistance, Frank
I didnt "reprimand" you - I asked you to confine the posts to one forum, rather than six! 😆 Anyway...

I cant speak for the other brokers, but my own experience of Interactive Brokers (IB) - although non-Mac related, is excellent. TWS is quite easy to use once you have spent some time familiarising yourself with it, as is the case with most systems.

Frugi (another one of the moderators...) uses a Mac, I believe. I'm sure he will stumble across this post shortly.

A recent survey we ran here on the site suggests that almost 90% of particpants use Windows for their OS - but thats certainly not to suggest that a Mac isn't a suitable tool, especially given the potential security benefits of a Mac vs a PC.
my apologies then - you did a very good impersonation of a spammer plastering the site with adverts, which wouldn't be a popular thing to do <g>

Unfortunately that's where the pleasantries end - I can't help regarding the MAC, other than to say that notwithstanding the security issue (and by combining a decent antivirus package with a good firewall I've not experienced problems so far) I think Windows is the platform to run on... simply because it's the default for any software writer. Your choice is just so much bigger/better that it's no contest in my book.
Sorry I can't help really. I used to run Sierra Charts on my Mac using Virtual PC Windows emulator but to be honest I reluctantly use my Windows laptop for everything now as VPC was too slow. Still this was on OS9 and I've not tried it on OS X where it may run faster.
I run IB's TWS on my mac at home and it runs perfectly. There are lots of hidden bells and whistles but if you spend 10 minutes with the manual or some of the other online demo material you should be able to do the basics of sending in orders, stops, using hot keys.