a few questions about info on a company's 6-K form


I am trying to do a bit of company analysis and there are a few things I don't understand.

First, under Assets there are a few items which don't sound like assets to me. I see "Deferred income taxes" and "Goodwill" for example. It seems to me like deferred income taxes = a liability, no? And goodwill surely must be the company making payments to a charity... who would 'donate' to a for-profit company? So isn't "goodwill" also a liability? These two amounts are clearly being added in to get the "total assets" figure. What am I reading wrong?

Also, immediately following the liabilities section, there is a section that says "Class D preferred shares" which is a very high number, and "ordinary shares" which is a tiny number. What are Class D shares? What is a 'preferred' share? Why are they showing class D but apparently no A, B, or C, if such classes even exist? What is an "ordinary" share?

I would really appreciate any help I can get to assist me in understanding this...
I am trying to do a bit of company analysis and there are a few things I don't understand.

First, under Assets there are a few items which don't sound like assets to me. I see "Deferred income taxes" and "Goodwill" for example. It seems to me like deferred income taxes = a liability, no? And goodwill surely must be the company making payments to a charity... who would 'donate' to a for-profit company? So isn't "goodwill" also a liability? These two amounts are clearly being added in to get the "total assets" figure. What am I reading wrong?

Also, immediately following the liabilities section, there is a section that says "Class D preferred shares" which is a very high number, and "ordinary shares" which is a tiny number. What are Class D shares? What is a 'preferred' share? Why are they showing class D but apparently no A, B, or C, if such classes even exist? What is an "ordinary" share?

I would really appreciate any help I can get to assist me in understanding this...

just let me wiki that for you 😆

Tax deferral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
thanks, but naturally I am looking for an explanation that will actually help me understand the concepts. Of course I know what tax deferment literally means but I don't understand how it's considered an asset. If I owe 300k in taxes and I "defer" this to next year, haven't I incurred a debt/liability of 300k that will be due next year?