A different kind of journal


Hi to all

I know there's a strong possibility i'll be judged by this post alone but here goes.

Previously a high street bank employee and with the offer of moving into derivatives, I instead turned to a life of crime back in 2005 - cigarette smuggling predominantly. 4 yrs later I was arrested on smuggling charges (for something I didn't actually do as 'luck' would have it), subsequently being charged with money laundering as a lifestyle offence under the Proceeds of Crime Act. I received a 2 yr custodial prison sentence, leaving behind a partner and young child, and was later stripped of all assets, both visible and hidden. The day I was sentenced was the most important day of my life so far.

I left prison in the summer of 2011 on electronic tag having served 8 of the required 24 months. I left a very different man indeed, pretty disgusted with myself and determined to make something of my life.

Just over 3 yrs on, i'm now married to that very same partner with a second child and run my own (fairly) successful business. As life in general goes, it really couldn't be any better. However, career wise what i'm doing isn't truly where I want to be. I want to be in the City working somewhere within the markets.

In 21 months time, i'll be 'free' from having to report my conviction to potential employers. As much as i'd like to be open and honest about what I did etc, I feel there is little to be gained from it so have already made the decision to tell one final lie if need be.

That aside, whether or not i'll ever be accepted into the City at the ripe old age of 35 with little in the way of qualifications is another matter completely. I've therefore created this journal to:

a) listen to other member feedback, whether that be good or bad
b) keep tabs on myself with regards to scouring this forum for info
c) look into what qualifications might be of some help in the meantime
d) MAYBE paper trade for a while once i'm in a position to do so

I don't use the word regret lightly, I don't even regret the choices i've made thus far in life as crazy as that may sound. If i'd made different choices I wouldn't have the family I do now which stands head & shoulders above anything else in this world. BUT....I do think there's a very strong possibility i'm going to wake up one morning in 20 yrs time crying into my breakfast because i've missed my calling...and if there's the slightest chance I can do anything to change that I feel I need to give it a shot.

Thanks for taking the time to read, ready and waiting for a few home truths....

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Thanks Paul, much appreciated.

It's something i've been pondering for a while now but after a bit of a heart to heart with a trader friend of mine over the weekend it's something I want to give more serious consideration to.