A complete novice


Can anybody offer any advice ?
I recently attended a seminar at a Glasgow Hotel that was being held by the Traders University. To do their "fail safe, low risk" course in London , i would need to pay roghly £2500, would this be a wise investment ? I have absoluatly no past experience in trading but i am interested in getting involved.
To do their "fail safe, low risk" course in London , i would need to pay roghly £2500, would this be a wise investment ?

Don't believe anyone who tells you they have something "fail safe". Just ask all those folks who thought they were holding AAA securities and found out they were in fact holding junk.

Anyone new to the market shouldn't spend £2500. Maybe a seminar or something with that kind of price tag can be worth it for you later on, but in the meantime make use of the much more reasonable priced (or free) resources that are widely available to get you introduced to things.

Thanks for getting back to me, im new to this site but when i get a decent amount of time , i will be exploring it fully, thanks again.
Never pay for training in TA or trading. Some knowledge from purchased books at modest prices will be useful. You might even go as far as arranging one to one mentoring - haven't done this myself but I hear there are some very good traders prepared to coach new staters. Experience is what is worth paying real money for, but be prepared to spend a lot of money, and more time than the course would take.
Spread betting at 50p per point would allow you to lose a minimum 5,000pts. You couldn't lose them without gaining any so think how much experience that would get you just by itself.

I'm not endorsing jumping in head first by any means but gives you an example of how far that money could stretch.
Like the others say above my post, all the info you need is free on the web, you just have to look for what it is you need, this of course takes time but shouldn't cost you 2.5k in worth of time.

Welcome to trade2win.
This is ****ing me off. When I've made a serious amount of money, I'm going to run an anti-trading scam courses campaign.
There is so much free info on the web it would blow your mind. In fact it will. That's why a good forum like this is nice to get help and direction. I think you'd be better off to learn on your own for a while, paper trade or trade with a small account and do very small trades to build experience, then you might want to shop around for a mentor. One very valuable website is investopedia.com. It is what it sounds like. Get involved in the forums, and before long you won't believe how much you will have learned.

I think the first few steps questions to ask your self are: how much time do you have to commit to learning trading? and how much time per day can you commit to trading? and last and most importantly, what are you? Are you an investor or a trader? Warren Buffett is an investor, I'm a trader. They're very different things.
My friend is away to London to take part on the course, i just wish he had done a little research first.
The advice i have allready been offered from you all confirms what i though all along. It takes time to learn things properly and this site is ideal for that. Also like Lee Shepherd says, i could lose a fraction of £2500, gaining reel experience. Thankyou to you all.
Yeah there is some good advice on here, and on other sites, and in books / magazines etc.. try reading & researching first. Maybe this course is good, but the fact that they accessed you as a newbie by going to their free seminar, and still told you to attend the paid course - then really they are just out to make money!
Yeah there is some good advice on here, and on other sites, and in books / magazines etc.. try reading & researching first. Maybe this course is good, but the fact that they accessed you as a newbie by going to their free seminar, and still told you to attend the paid course -

:!:then really they are just out to make money!

Of course, welcome to the capitalist world called Earth where everything has a price...even life itself.