A clever plan!


Hi - Found this site (via anews article) and thought I would pass it on www.treeofnames.com A 13 year old lad from Wales is raising money for his education/a childrens charity - clever site and well wortha read. I enjoyed his blog! Only costs £1 to buy a plot - people are sending christmas greeting and things - respect!
Hang on... 10% goes to charity, and the other 90% goes into the site owners pocket? It's a clever plan okay....
DaveJB said:
Hang on... 10% goes to charity, and the other 90% goes into the site owners pocket? It's a clever plan okay....

Yeh that's what I wondered but if you read it carefully, think it was in blog, he givesa break down of £1 - 25% is paypal fees plus a load of other stuff including education courses so I personally think the boy is cool. When you look at stuff like million dollar page and see him making a million surely as traders the least we can do is support a kid trying to do something of hios own back. Anyway that's just my opinion.
Can't see a cost breakdown, but from what I have read it looks like this:
Kid doesn't get on in the normal school system to the extent he pulls out of school - well sorry, but I have a problem with that... go read comments on the Times Education Supplement website, you'll find a fair number of comments from teachers and articles about the problems kids face in obtaining an education when those who don't 'mix' are sitting in their class.

Education in the UK is free, and all you have to do is turn up and behave yourself to collect it.
DaveJB said:
Can't see a cost breakdown, but from what I have read it looks like this:
Kid doesn't get on in the normal school system to the extent he pulls out of school - well sorry, but I have a problem with that... go read comments on the Times Education Supplement website, you'll find a fair number of comments from teachers and articles about the problems kids face in obtaining an education when those who don't 'mix' are sitting in their class.

Education in the UK is free, and all you have to do is turn up and behave yourself to collect it.

If you saw him on tv then you would have seen it is for medical reasons that he's not in school. Clearly I see it in a different way - kid gets off his **** to do something in a positive way and we are talking about a quid!!!! I don't know about you but as a trader it is a throw away amount. I respect your opinion but don't agree with you. With the million dollar page the guy has made a million for himself and we are not complaining!

No pressure to pay is there but personally when I see things like infatable Xmas men outside houses, begging in the street and us bagging thousand on the markets I just thought- respect to the kid for doing something different.
i think we'd best just agree to differ on this one - it is indeed a small amount which is irrelevant to my ability as a trader, I support two children's charities by monthly standing order as I am not averse to helping those in a tough spot through no fault of their own.

Neither the Argus article nor the blog contain any information to suggest this applies here particularly, perhaps the TV program outlined a significant illness issue that the blog and Argus article omitted... I'd be somewhat less skeptical if this were so.