9 screen trading set up - perfect for a home trader


Junior member

I traded futures from 2004 until a few months ago. Last couple of those years were spent trading from home. I have moved on to a new role as a commodity trader which does not require the need for working from home and so many screens.

Anyway what I am selling is a 9 screen set up. I have a couple of trading computers and one operated 7 screens for trading which i used to do using TT package. The other computer ran two screens for internet browsing etc.

would also include all the brackets etc - everything except for the desk. i used to run 4 screens on the bottom including 2 x 32" screens and 5 x screens above , the rest were mainly 22"/24" Samsung Syncemaster screens

I can provide a full run down of the spec of the computers , screens etc , photos

I am based in UK / Ireland so this gear is not going to be cheap to send to far flung destinations but happy to discuss etc

Feel free to get in touch
