...I st up this thread for the simple purpose of exchanging trades.
No you did not. You set-up this thread AFTER I LEFT, thinking that I would not return. Had you been paying attention in class, you would have noticed that I ALWAYS make an annual visit to check-up on those that WERE Newbies and are No More! Sometimes, I make two or more visits per year. I like to make the rounds as much as possible, but my time is not what it used to be for online trading forums and I have spend WAY too much time on Political Forums (mostly because they are sooooooo frustrating in an strangely interesting kind of way), but I don't even have as much time for that online activity like I used to.
Now, where are YOU in all this? Have you improved since that last trade you made almost five (5) years ago, because if you have not, then I suspect you might not be in this business anymore.
I'm here to stay - always have been and always will be. Trading is my business - that's what I do, and that's why after all these years, I'm still just around the corner.
...after 2 posts I get a whole load of abuse from somebody on his first post ever.
That's Bull. Hyper-Bull.
Five (5) years ago, you got precisely what those lame duck trolls provided me inside my thread. Back then my thread was for final pre-production public testing and for educational/inspirational purposes only, just like I said in my very first post. I made it crystal clear to people precisely what I was doing. Still, the trolls came out in full bloom sporting their true colors as obstructionists and maintainers of that which was most irrelevant to my thread. And, you were clearly one of them - proclaiming that it was impossible to unite concepts taken from Physics (given your Cambridge Education) with the Financial Markets, which is exactly what I had done at the time.
Today, that same trading system is far beyond where it was five (5) years ago - and it was pretty darn good back then. But, of course, the idjots could not help themselves. So, where are they now?
You simple minded little man. Five (5) years ago, you did not understand that I had been there and already done that before - LONG before you even learned how to spell Forex, most likely. I was doing live trades before live trades were called "live trades," my confused little friend.
And, you sat here (5 years ago) grounded in the hope that your ONE trade was somehow illuminating of something worthy of my participation? Unbelievable madness. I see, as usual, that in my absence, trolls change precious little.
Where are the Trolls now? Proclaiming this can't be done, that can't be done, this is impossible, that's impossible, he'll blow-out his account if he does this, or if he does that, etc., ad nauseam, etc., ad nauseam, etc.
There's an old saying in this business:
Time will tell who sticks around and time will tell who wins the Crown.
Where are the old Traders, who were so belligerent inside my thread? I'm no talking about Website Administrators, whose job is to maintain Forums and/or keep the post count high to give the allusion that the board is "active." No, I want to know where those naysaying boneheads are, who perpetually put their foot-in-mouth, proclaiming that I was selling something. Where are those myopic fellows these days, huh?
Like I said, I just LUV these drop-in visits, years later.
😉 I wonder what 2012 will bring, since so many phony traders (trolls) have seemed to drop like flies between 2005 and 2011.